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Mirror of a Dream

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Title: Mirror of a Dream
Author(s): Roberta Haga
Date(s): 1989
Genre(s): slash
Fandom(s): Star Trek: TOS
Relationship(s): Kirk/Spock
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Mirror of a Dream is a Kirk/Spock story by Roberta Haga.

It was published in the print zine Within the Mirror #3.

art for this story in Within the Mirror by SBL


"Kirk wants Spock to “act” while wearing a beard and mustache like that of his mirror counterpart."

Reactions and Reviews


I appreciated this story as a playful fantasy. It shows the basis of consensual s/m games. Actually being in the Mirror a/u is really dangerous, but Mainline Kirk and Spock pretending to be their Mirror counterparts is a flirtation with unreal danger in a safe environment. [1]


The USS Enterprise crew is putting on plays. Spock avers he does not "act." Kirk challenges him: I think I can prove you can act. A unique idea. Except, she's in both their heads at the same time, in the same sentence even. Really nice Spock-thoughts, about how this one man can get to him, and he'll always go along with whatever Kirk wants.

Kirk gives him a fake beard and mustache to wear. Later that night, Kirk is floored, unexpectedly very aroused by the sight of "Mirror Spock" taking off his shirt. So the play is on, Kirk is making sexual innuendoes, etc.. all supposedly an act, ha!

And what an act; a sizzling scene: Kirk is acting as if Spock had taken him in his pon farr, and now they're playing rough verbal games with each other, Kirk denying he wants it again. Divine when Spock grabs him, holds him close, an arm twisted behind his back, "You do need this. And you need it from me." Oh, give me strength. Get me off the floor.

Of course by this time suddenly the/re for real, kissing, etc., acknowledging their desire. The sex very nice, though written in veiled words. A sweet and hot story. [2]


  1. ^ from The LOC Connection #30
  2. ^ from Come Together #30