Mirror Afterthoughts

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Title: Mirror Afterthoughts
Author(s): Flora Poste
Date(s): 1984
Genre(s): slash
Fandom(s): Star Trek: TOS
Relationship(s): Kirk/Spock
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Mirror Afterthoughts is a Kirk/Spock story by Flora Poste.

It was published in Nome #7 and Mirror Universe Alternates.


A prequel to this series is Brotherʼs Keeper by D. T. Steiner in Rigel #3.

Series, in Chronological Order of Their Internal Time Line


"After they aid their counterparts from the mirror universe, Kirk is unable to quit thinking about them and their being lovers."

Reactions and Reviews

This is, essentially, a 'will-they-won't-they-tell-each-other-their-feelings?' story; it is related to the poem "The Chess Match" in NOME 6. In Mirror Afterthoughts the gradual build-up of tensinn & the description of Kirk's anxiety is masterful. I was certainly sweating right alonside him - the story evoked a distinct visceral reaction. Kirk & Spock doubletalk & allude their way thru the whole piece & Spock is just superb, falling into silence at the most eloquent moments. I found the whole thing an absolute delight. [1]
