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Name: mikufigureoftheday
Date(s): June 2023-present
Submissions: Yes[1]
Fandom: Vocaloid, maybe specifically Hatsune Miku
Scope: figurines and merch collections
URL: https://mikufigureoftheday.tumblr.com/
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Mikufigureoftheday is a tumblr blog with the goal of posting "A new figure of our queen every day to hopefully make you smile!"[2]

It posts daily photos of Miku figurines and merch. It also hosts submissions of users' collections and advice on finding figures (see FAQ). Discussion of maker (specific official makers & also bootleg vs. licensed), manufacturing details, more?[3][4]


Figure of the Day

Compilations:discussion of designs along specific themes

<!-https://mikufigureoftheday.tumblr.com/post/760804138419453952/are-there-any-errrr-kitchen-related-miku-i-just kitchenware & links to another compilation of cooking-themed figures -->

It also accepts submissions of fans' figure and merch collections, e.g.

<!- https://mikufigureoftheday.tumblr.com/post/760335999222071296/hii-i-have-a-small-collection-of-vocaloid-related collection that includes a Hachune Miku https://mikufigureoftheday.tumblr.com/post/758276393079652352/finnally-d-i-got-my-first-miku-figure-i-dont first "figure" -- the joke is it's actually a notebook-->

Also accepts submissions of (3D?) fanart:


See also


  1. ^ https://mikufigureoftheday.tumblr.com/tagged/submission
  2. ^ Blog homepage
  3. ^ Example of discussion: "Hi!!! I got my first miku figure as a total chance find at a flea market! She's bootleg, she's got some imperfections and her baseplate looks like it's a sakura miku recolor but she's still so pretty. I gasped soo loudly when I spotted her ^^; " submission by brothofonionandweeds
  4. ^ maybe it’s a little silly but what’s the differ eve between a ‘prize’ figure and a ‘scale’ figure?