Micro Con

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Name: Micro Con
Dates: May 23-26, 1975
Frequency: once
Location: Kalamazoo, MI in Sharon Ferraro's back yard
Type: fan-run
Focus: Star Trek: TOS
Founding Date:
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Micro Con was a Star Trek relaxacon held in 1975 as an alternative to Equicon.

MicroCon I was a tiny impromptu con held here in Kalamazoo as an alternaCon to Equi-Con over Memorial Day Weekend. Less than 2 score ST, and sf fans converged for the festivities In the spacious backyard of the con chairperson, Sharon Ferraro. Guest of Honor was the reknowed [sic] cartoonist, Philip Foglio and Fan Guest of Honor was the late...er...former head of the Ourcon committee, Lori Chapek. Activities included a raucous banquet at a fine Cantonese restaurant, several art demonstrations, discussions on Trek fandom and its future and a rained out barbecue on Sunday afternoon. Featured films were Monty Python's Flying Circus and the Trek episodes "Balance of Terror" and "Taste of Armageddon." A special surprise was presented when Sharon's half-Klingon kitten took a flying leap off the back porch after her toy tribble. The festivities drew to a close as one after another of the members and guests departed their separate ways. Plans were made for another convention which will not be announced until after it is over. [1]
