Memories of Long Ago, or, A Guided Tour

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Title: Memories of Long Ago, or, A Guided Tour
Author(s): Donna Rose Vanderlaan
Date(s): 1987
Genre(s): slash
Fandom(s): Star Trek: TOS
Relationship(s): Kirk/Spock
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Memories of Long Ago, or, A Guided Tour is a K/S story by Donna Rose Vanderlaan.

It was published in the print zine Daring Attempt #9.

Reactions and Reviews

A story about a starry eyed young girl in the 26th century with a yearning for space in a haunted museum can definitely be said to be original. Some might complain that there is too much emphasis on the girl, and that the K/S element is rather slight, but I thought she wa a sympathetic character, and that having an unusual focus is good for K/S. [1]

My favorite story in the zine. A young 26th century girl who has dreamed of a career in space visits Starfleet Museum in San Francisco. Her guide is a mysterious Vulcan who seems to know more than all the historians put together about the 5 year mission of the enterprise. A story that will stay In your mind long after you've read it. Well written and original.[2]
