Memoirs of a Merc

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The Professionals Fanfiction
Title: Careful What You Wish For
Author(s): Alexfandra
Date(s): 1995
Genre: slash
Fandom: The Professionals
External Links: Memoirs of a Merc

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Careful What You Wish For is a slash Professionals story by Alexfandra.

It was published in Truth to Tell and is online.

Reactions and Reviews

Okay, everyone who knows me knows that I'm a very literal reader. I spent half of this story trying to determine for certain whether she was meaning to be funny or not. I suppose that I should have known once I read about Cowely's month's long recovery from bunion surgery. But there was enough that could have been meant in all seriousness that I spent a long time wondering. The story is very entertaining: Doyle is forced by a non-Cowley boss to hire Bodie as a technical consultant to deal with Krivas. Unfortunately, there seem to be some odd holes in Bodie's expertise. In the course of the operation, other attributes come to the fore, however, and they end up in bed. Of course. I was once again disturbed by the "hi, you're cute, let's fuck" progression. That's not that interesting to me, but it wasn't enough to put me off the story. Overall, it's cute, well executed, and again I wanted more.[1]


  1. ^ In 1995, Megan Kent posted a review of the zine to the Virgule mailing list. It is reposted here with permission.