measure out your life

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Title: measure out your life
Author(s): isawet
Date(s): 12 November 2012
Length: 7,804 words
Genre(s): slash fanfiction, Coffeeshop AU
Fandom(s): Hawaii Five-0
External Links: measure out your life (AO3)

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measure out your life is a Steve/Danny story by isawet.

Summary: Danny owns a coffee shop and Steve is a cop. Coffeeshop AU, Danny/Steve.

Recs and Reviews

Not Rated (I'd say Teen and Up), 7,000+ words, Coffeeshop AU. When he moves to Hawaii, Danny gives up policework and opens a coffee shop. Kono's his employee (who's dating the head of the Japanese mafia). Chin and Steve are cops. It all kind of goes downhill from there.
"I don't understand why you're being so difficult."
Danny shrugs. "I don't understand why you're being so crazy."
"I have feelings," Steve says, stilted.
"Congratulations," Danny says, "you're a real human being."
"For you," Steve clarifies, and then freezes. "About you," he says quickly, "no for--about--your safety."
"Thank you," Danny says. "I think."[1]


  1. ^ taliahale. [REC]s: Hawaii Five-o, Steve/Danny, 28 October 2013. (Accessed 31 May 2016)