McShep Match Team Romance 2007 Interview with Cypher

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Interviews by Fans
Title: Team Romance McShep Match Interview with Cypher
Interviewee: Cypher
Date(s): June 6, 2007
Medium: online
Fandom(s): Stargate Atlantis
External Links: online here, Archived version
Click here for related articles on Fanlore.

Cypher was interviewed in 2007 for McShep Romance.

It is part of this project: Team Angst and Romance McShep Match Interview Series.


What do you enjoy most about SGA and/or SGA fandom? The versatility of the characters, and how flexible/plausible they've made everything for us writers. The actors are simply fabulous (in the case of Hewlett, awesome) who feel more accessable than those on other shows (not SG-1, but others) and you can tell they're having fun with the whole thing.

Fandom has created a wonderful plethora of fics and art for us all to enjoy, and unlike SG-1 seems more open to the ideas they present (including slash, if the MGM website or David and Joe are anything to go by).

Plus, you know, one of the SGA writers is an ex-fanfic author (there is hope! That could be me someday!), and it almost feels like permission for us to do what we writers do best because we're one of them.

Team romance all the way! Why? I adore romantic comedies, and Rodney and John are the perfect mismatched (yet so right) couple there is. I mean, I could've joined Angst, but I just don't have much experience with it (...okay, so I do have a couple in SG-1, but upon reflection they're a bit cliche) and I have to be, you know, in the mood. I'm an optimistic (if not realist) kind of guy that prefers the happily ever after. Or, you know, at least a happy-at-this-moment-until-oops!-Hindenburg-exploded! sorta thing.