Master of Reality

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Title: Master of Reality
Author(s): Khyber
Date(s): probably around 2000
Genre(s): het
Fandom(s): The X-Files
External Links: posted here

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Master of Reality is a Mulder/Scully story by Khyber.

Author's Notes and Acknowledgments

DISTRIBUTION: Ephemeral, Gossamer, please ask for anywhere else.

RATING: NC17. Soooooo very NC17. Sex, drugs, rock and roll, gratuitous use of internal voices and dumbass catchphrases. CATEGORIES: SRH KEYWORDS: Mulder / Scully romance, drugs, Barney Miller SPOILERS: Don't even start with me. SUMMARY: Place it Halloween of season 3. (So, just after "Pusher." Sigh... 'elephant shoes...') Mulder and Scully accidentally eat pot brownies. Pot makes Mulder funny but boring. Scully gets The Fear and gets really horny. They have sex. There, now you don't need to read it.

Disclaimer: Remember kids, say no to drugs and/or making money off of fanfic. Though if anyone has tips on how to do either, please let me know.

Author's Notes: Fan-Fic Writer's Union (QC local #312) would like to take this opportunity to remind readers that authors are not artistically, legally, paternally, criminally, or in any other way responsible for anything posted as "Halloween-fic."

Many thanks to bugs for beta services.

Reactions and Reviews

*This* is what Mulder and Scully would be like if they got stoned.

And I guess I'm not as burned out on smut as I thought I was.

How in the hell have I not read this one before? Let the praise begin: Funny, insightful, erotic, true to character, loads of great lines, light touch when presenting backstory, believable.

Read it right now. Again and again. [1]

I do love Khyber. The boy can write, and write great smut, too. (fans self)

Even his intro is hilarious:

Mulder and Scully accidentally eat pot brownies. Pot makes Mulder funny but boring. Scully gets The Fear and gets really horny. They have sex. There, now you don't need to read it.

It just gets better and better. It works especially well because you know this isn't the first time they've done it. But this is the first time they've done it without someone having a near-death experience. This is even funnier because only drugs and/or a close encounter with the grim reaper are enough to push them over the edge they are teetering on all of the time in this universe.

If only all NC17 stories were this funny- and this hot. [2]

you know, this is really good, and ITA with everyone who has said how good his writing is - but, I never did 'get' what Mulder was supposed to be - someone care to share that with me? it's probably going to smack me in the head when i hear it..... [3]

I never got it either, but Khyber gives you the answer. It's the very last line, after his website address. [4]

Reactions and Reviews

  1. ^ comment by Conundrum at Fic Talk's Message Board, June 23, 2008
  2. ^ comment by Wendy at Fic Talk's Message Board, June 23, 2008
  3. ^ comment by Em at Fic Talk's Message Board, June 23, 2008
  4. ^ comment by Conundrum at Fic Talk's Message Board, June 23, 2008