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Title: Lustrous
Author(s): rageprufrock
Date(s): August 2008
Genre(s): slash fanfiction
Fandom(s): Stargate Atlantis
External Links: Lustrous (Glitterati)

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Lustrous is a Stargate Atlantis McShep story by rageprufrock.

Reactions and Reviews

I'd never imagined myself reccing het, yet here I am. Please be advised that the mature rating of this story is for explicit het-sex (No, no, calm down, the world is not ending). This story was written for the 14 Valentines Project. To learn more about this project, go HERE.

In an alternate world where John was born a girl (i.e. named Jane and took ballet lessons at a young age), met Rodney in college and married him not too long after graduation (with Vietnamese food at the wedding reception!), life was not all that great. And things just got more complicated when Rodney from SGA decided to pay them a visit (and found out that Jane has a restraining order on AU Rodney).

I found the scene where Rodney tries to ask Jane out incredibly romantic, but this made the entire story even more bittersweet. It hurt so much to read about Jane and Rodney loving each other so much, yet their relationship was damaged beyond repair. And poor SGA!Rodney, doing the thing he knew best (i.e. love John/Jane), trying so hard to make her happy...was hilarious, sweet, and sad...

I felt I could really connect with the characters in this story. Perhaps not as pretty, or smart, or rich, or dense, or crazy, but if you take a closer look, these characters are essentially us, the everyday, ordinary people.

One of the best of Pru's pieces I've read, and that's saying a lot since I've been reading her stuff for years. Highly recommended. [1]


  1. ^ jane_elliot in epic_recs: Lustrous by rageprufrock (NC-17), 19 February 2008 (Accessed 05 March 2015)