Loser Baby but it's the internet

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Fan Song
Song Title: Loser Baby but it's the internet
Composer: Mixing by Swiblet

Video Editing by DonDosuDubs

Lyrics by emositecc & dotnpolka
Lyrics: see on page
Melody: to the tune of "Loser Baby" from Hazbin Hotel.
Date: 27 May 2024
Fandom: Hazbin Hotel
Topic is pan-fandom
Album: single
Thumbnail on YouTube for Loser Baby but it's the internet
External Links: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TPtt_Tqugck

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Loser Baby but it's the internet is a fan song by EMositeCC for the Hazbin Hotel fandom. It changes the meaning of, "Loser Baby" to be about making fanworks. Fanart included in its music video on YouTube were provided by TheEnderGeek, SuperCellAlpaca, dosukeii, spoorkswashere, C00kiePearl, TheMediocreDutchman/PGoetia and emositecc.

Voice acting was provided by

This fan song is one of many by EMositeCC for the fandom.

The music video references Hide Away as well, an infamous video in the fandom.


Your fanfic's bad and you've hit a writer's block

All your ideas seem freakin' stupid

Your whole mind's empty and you're thinking you're a hack

Can't post a chapter cuz it's so mid

One hate comment

Make's you take your account down

WeIl let me just say you're

a clown 🤡

Wait, what?



Writer, mootsie

A writer writing fanfics

You write; cringe filled little Mary Sues


You're an Artist just like me

Your art sucks! >:(

You're a people's pleaser

Got only one kudos from user


And they liked it you see! :3

That's just one comment! I want more!! :(

There was a time I thought that no one could relate

To the haters this artist is facing

But practicing more...

...it can make our slowburns great!

It's not the numbers we should be chasing

There's one comment

that said my writing's sh#t! >:(

*casually laughs at Angel's insecurity*

That doesn't mean it can't be lit!

Let's collab, man!

We're both artists, buddy

We're artists
It's okay to start with:

Bad grammar, sucky flow?

You'd still get art from me <3

I'm a writer and crazy

for crackfics, kinks and cliches

But at least I warn when I write p@#n

You're an Artist

Just like me!

I draw all the ships I'm stannin'

I write all the tropes they're hatin'

Enemies to Lovers is my jam!

Go ahead let me see your drafts, come on!

They get together in Chapter Four

I'll draw you fanart just make me more!

Even if there's no comments

We'll keep on breaking lore

who needs a shower?????

*ew these two stinky*

You're an Artist, mootsie

An Artist, and just maybe if we

make stuff together
We'll be so much more happy

It's time to lose your self-loathing

Just make art, go have fun and mootsie

Post your fics
Ignore the icks!

An Artist...



There they are!!

They like Hazbin?!?!



The fan song was shared on r/AO3[1].

For more comments, see the music video on YouTube.

[@lilyaka9194] As someone who’s planning to post fanfics at some point, this is exactly what I need

[@smileyman1721] Congratulations. You putting that little green stain on Husk made me double check the actual scene for if it was there.

Supreme editing choice there assholes.

[@potatochipscratch_1234] The voices are so accurate! One of the best ones I've seen!

[@dspace4514] Wow, this song has inspired me. If you'll excuse me, Imma go write my crossover stories...

References/Further Reading