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Name: Livengoo
Alias(es): gooligan (on LJ), The Goo
Type: fanwriter
Fandoms: X-Files, Stargate: SG-1, Stargate: Atlantis, Supernatural, Magnificent 7, Dark Angel, Quantum Leap
URL: LJ, ff.net, Area 52 HKH, Heliopolis
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Livengoo is a fanwriter in X-Files, Stargate: SG-1, Stargate: Atlantis, Supernatural and others. She writes gen and slash, rarely also het.



1998 Comments on Writing and Feedback

I've been sort of setting up two general definitions [of feedback] in my head - neither cast in iron mind you. There's a LOT of blur. But I've been thinking of writers as people like Amp and Bliss, I guess, who write for the sake of the writing. Their writing has editors and all, but the actual ACT of writing is solitary. Their betas read after they're done as a sort of full dress rehearsal. I don't work that way. If I do that then my stories get sterile and dry, they lose spontaneity and joy. Often I simply don't bother to finish.

When I write I'm actively sending out my stuff as I write it. I don't quite IM like Te, but I send a page, even a paragraph, if that's what I did in a day. I get that feedback and the more pivotal the scene usually the more I need the feedback. With hindsight, I'm realizing that I wrote Leap of Faith and posted as I wrote, responding to the a.t.x.c. reactions. I wrote Camping responding to Amp and Youkneek. I wrote Corpse responding to them and to Sean Smith, likewise my sections of Oklahoma. My betas aren't like editors - they're like "silent" co-writers. If I were born five hundred years ago I'd be sitting there playing music, laying out the story, playing the parts and shaping it to what I saw in the faces of my listeners - an active duet or more. It's a dance with the story the product of my partnership with those listeners. I call that storytelling because I think that's the heritage it draws on. I know my whole family is all storytellers. Man oh man, when we sit around the holiday table telling and retelling my brother's wedding...or any of a hundred other pieces of family folklore. And this is not that much different, except that the stories are more fictionalized and longer <G>. Okay, LOTS longer. Save your printers, put my stuff on disc if you want to read it ...

So I'm seeing writing as an act ABOUT the writing and storytelling as an act that may be textual but is ABOUT the process shared in telling and hearing. That all blurs - there are gradiations of course. But that's the big difference in my mind. I suddenly started to wonder how many think they do one or the other when I realized that most of my friends are writers, but a few are storytelling, doing dry runs on the phone or getting that active feedback line by line or page by page in little bitlets... [1]


  1. ^ alt.tv.x-files.creative, December 5, 1998