Live and Let Q

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Title: Live and Let Q
Author(s): Varoneeka
Genre(s): slash
Fandom(s): Star Trek: TNG
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"Live and Let Q" is a story in a Star Trek: TNG Picard/Q series by Varoneeka.


Reactions and Reviews

This is the second story in what the author has promised will be at least a six story series. Would that we were all so prolific . . . and fast. I can't remember how many James Bond movie/novel titles Varoneeka has to work with, but there are quite a few. Lucky us.

Live and Let Q is short and doesn't really have a plot that requires summarizing. It doesn't really need a plot, of course. It is a morning after story, a look at the question asked by all slashers who have managed to unite their favorite couple: What now? With Jean-Luc Picard and his former nemesis turned new lover, the question is multifaceted and complex.

Will Picard, who always thinks everything through, regret his initial lack of concern over the consequences of getting involved with Q? Will Q, always so in control, be able to deal with the fact that making love to Picard leaves him unable to think? Will Picard be able to convince Q that he really does love the entity? Varoneeka lets us see the cautious exploration of these concerns, an exploration that is frequently sidetracked by the fact that Q, having waited long enough for a chance to be with Picard, doesn't want to do anything but have sex with his new lover. Between Q's abilities to both shift them out of "normal" time and grant Picard Q-like powers of physical recovery (if you know what I mean), there is a lot of well written, hot sex in a fairly short story. In fact Picard is actually able to convince Q that he (Picard) is serious about this relationship during a particularly steamy scene.

Like the second story in a trilogy (which in a way it is--see the review of Q is Forever), Live and Let Q does not answer all of the questions it asks. This is not a complaint, as what new relationship falls into place so neatly? Again, we are left wanting more, wondering just how these two complex characters will work out a continuing relationship. Varoneeka also teases us with on of the big questions faced when anyone sits down to write P/Q: What will Riker think? [1]
