Library Tape P7692J

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Title: Library Tape P7692J
Author(s): Kay Wells
Date(s): 1989
Genre(s): slash
Fandom(s): Star Trek: TOS
Relationship(s): Kirk/Spock
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Library Tape P7692J is a K/S story by Kay Wells.

It was first published in the print zine Naked Times #22.


"Kirk returns from shoreleave completely drunk and Spock, enlisted to take him to his cabin, notices a peculiar mark on Kirk after he undresses him for bed."

Reactions and Reviews


This story contained the author's usual ingredients of charming innocence and gentle humor. The story was fresh, the characterizations excellent. Spock in particular was just wonderful—from his deciding to call McCoy about the mysterious 'mark', to his running away when he thought Kirk may awaken, to his innocent—then not so innocent— viewing of the tape. I was a little let down by the ending, as it was rather ordinary compared with the rest of the story. But I think this may be my favorite by the author. What a delight. [1]

This story had an interesting focus. When Spock becomes aroused from watching a tape in K/S, it's usually a pornographic movie. Yet this story has Spock becoming aroused and fantasizing while he watches instructional material on human sexuality. Since instructional material generally isn't erotic in the 20th century, this raises provocative questions about 23rd century attitudes. I admit I didn't care for Spock's idea that Kirk was defiled by a woman performing fellatio on him. I don't accept that jealousy is necessary, or that it's a sign of love. [2]


A sweet, innocent look at Spock as he faces some sexual dilemmas, and of course Jim Kirk helping him along on learning to express his needs. Wonderful story as Doctor McCoy is in the thick of things; no, not sexually, but just being there to help. [3]

I thought this story was alright. I thought Spock was written very character, but I'm not sure about Kirk and his actions.

I also had trouble with Kirk getting sober so quickly. I would have thought he'd still be in at least a semi drunken state when he did wake up. But if he was, he certainly didn't act like it. [4]


Charming story. Kirk and McCoy beam up very drunk. Spock ends up having to carry Kirk to his quarters, undress him and put him to bed. He studies Kirk's naked body, and sees a "mark" at the base of his penis. McCoy has to explain; it's make-up from somebody sucking him off. McCoy leaves and Spock tries to wash it off as Kirk sleeps, and of course Kirk starts getting an erection,

I love how Spock analytically compares the size of Kirk's penis to the inside of his own mouth. His innocent curiosity combined with his admitted desire for Kirk is amusing and sweet.

He goes to his cabin and reviews a library tape recommended by McCoy- A funny, sexy scene, when Spock is watching all this various sex and imagining it being him and Kirk. Finally he can bear it no longer and starts to masturbate...and Kirk announces himself at the door. He'd been watching Spock watching and getting aroused. Kirk is wonderful here, openly seductive. A beautiful scene in the shower, I love when Kirk comes just looking in Spock's eyes, their penises only touching. Delicious story. [5]


  1. ^ from The LOC Connection #8
  2. ^ from The LOC Connection #11
  3. ^ from The LOC Connection #13
  4. ^ from The LOC Connection #13
  5. ^ from Come Together #3