Leftovers (Star Trek: TOS story)

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Title: Leftovers
Author(s): Kay Wells
Date(s): 1993
Genre(s): slash
Fandom(s): Star Trek: TOS
Relationship(s): Kirk/Spock
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Leftovers is a Kirk/Spock story by Kay Wells.

It was published in the print zine Within the Mirror #7.

Appears to Have Been Removed

This story appears to have been removed from subsequent issues of Within the Mirror #7.

This may be due to accusations of plagiarism.


"Kirk is disturbed by his reaction to Spock taking in Lt. Moreau after Kirk throws her out for aiding his counterpart during the transposition."

Reactions and Reviews


I enjoyed this. The exchange between Spock and Scott was interesting. Mirror universes don't usually posit friendships other than Kirk and Spock's. [1]

Mirror party returns to their own universe. A really good, tense scene in the transporter room. Everyone's loyalties are defined in this scene -- this is done very well. Kirk and Spock are "friends," although never spoken of as such for fear of acknowledging weakness.

(Would Mirror Kirk say "You are delightful" to Spock? It doesn't seem that word would be in the Mirror vocabulary.) Kirk has ordered Marlena to vacate his quarters and his life, and then gets the idea she has gone to Spock. Spock observes that Kirk is acting like a jealous lover, and so Kirk is pressed to contemplate that, and finally realizes who it is he is really jealous of).

Nice confrontation in Kirk's quarters. A delicious tension is created by the vulnerability they are showing to each other for the first time: that Kirk is unarmed and Spock removes his weapons -- for these two, this is a blatantly exposing act. And calling each other by their names, without titles, for the first time. I don't want to reveal a very thrilling moment, which the author carried off very well; I'll just say Kirk really does know his life, his death, could be in Spock's hands, and lets himself be right there. Superbly erotic sex scene. [2]

I adored the intense melodrama between Kirk and Spock in this story where Spock lays aside his weapons and Kirk still thinks Spock is going to kill him. but he loves Spock so much that he's willing to risk it. Scenes like these are the reason why I read Mirror a/u stories. I also liked Spock's rebuke to the Shower Mania I've seen elsewhere in K/S. I cant imagine how Mirror Kirk could be so prissy as to want to get out of bed during a sexual encounter to take a shower As far as I'm concerned. Spock had the right attitude. Saying that he enjoys Kirk's scent and wants to taste the cum shows his passionate involvement and sensuality. I thought that was very erotic. In the opening of the story, however, I was wondering if Kirk was being too mainline. He actually called his Chief Engineer Scotty. Scotty is an affectionate nickname that implies friendship and trust. I don't think Mirror Kirk would dare to have such an attitude toward members of his crew. Loving Spock would be frightening enough for him. [3]


  1. ^ from The LOC Connection #54
  2. ^ from The LOC Connection #55 (1993)
  3. ^ from The LOC Connection #60 (1993)
