Kith or Kin (Star Trek: TOS story by Rabble Rouser)

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Title: Kith or Kin
Author(s): Rabble Rouser
Date(s): 2002
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Kith or Kin is a Star Trek: TOS story by Rabble Rouser.

It was nominated for a 2002 ASC Award.

Reactions and Reviews

A very nice look at McCoy. Rabble Rouser has his character down pat, and captured very well the emotions of the period immediately following the 5 year missionn, based on what we saw at the beginning of ST:TMP. [1]

I'm not sure anyone has tried to show the reason for the estrangement that was evident at the start of ST:TMP, but Rabble Rouser does that and more in Kith and Kin. Giving us insight both into Leonard McCoy and into the younger Kirk and Gary Mitchell by interspersing moments after the end of the first five year mission with McCoy's career pre-Enterprise. Brash and arrogant and not completely likeable, the younger McCoy is as fascinating as the older and more tired version. And the glimpses of Kirk and Mitchell are delicious! Rabble Rouser loads this story up with little details that bring the good doctor to life. Well done!! [2]

I'm not sure anyone has tried to show the reason for the estrangement that was evident at the start of ST:TMP, but Rabble Rouser does that and more in Kith and Kin. Giving us insight both into Leonard McCoy and into the younger Kirk and Gary Mitchell by interspersing moments after the end of the first five year mission with McCoy's career pre-Enterprise. Brash and arrogant and not completely likeable, the younger McCoy is as fascinating as the older and more tired version. And the glimpses of Kirk and Mitchell are delicious! Rabble Rouser loads this story up with little details that bring the good doctor to life. Well done!! [3]
