Kiss My Vulcan...

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Title: Kiss My Vulcan...
Author(s): Mildred Manhill
Date(s): 1995
Genre(s): slash
Fandom(s): Star Trek: TOS
Relationship(s): Kirk/Spock
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Kiss My Vulcan... is a Kirk/Spock story by Mildred Manhill.

It was published in the print zine T'hy'la #16.

This story was the winner of a 1995 STIFfie Award.


"Spock is unwilling to tell Kirk that he is entering pon farr, despite McCoyʼs threat to do so if he doesnʼt."

Reactions and Reviews


Talk about titles...!

No tasty food in this MM story, but lots of fun sex. And except for ever-changing POVs to the point of distraction, not badly written, at all.

Poor Spock is fast approaching pon farr and of course refuses to tell Kirk. Meanwhile, back at the ranch, Kirk is having some pesky erotic dreams. The one shown is appropriately sexy, dealing with one of my favorite scenarios (can you guess by now?)—warrior lord and love slave.

One question—is it possible to beam between space crafts both in warp? Well, Kirk does and he helps out poor Spock in his time of need.

I understand the T-shirt slogan as inspiration for this story, but it seemed to be completely out of character for Spock, despite his condition. Perhaps if the message had even been left out, the title might be more humorous.

But, serious analysis aside, I enjoyed this lively, fun story and I look forward to more from the MM team. [1]


How dumb can you be? Here, Kirk doesn’t strike me as a bright starship captain. Spock is ill and because it’s been years since his pon farr, you’d consider that, wouldn’t you? Wrong.

McCoy extracted Spock’s promise to tell the captain. So why would McCoy talk to Kirk about patient confidentiality, especially since he believed that Kirk already knew.

That message on the screen isn’t exactly believable, not even from a Vulcan in pon farr. And would the opening of the hangar doors not be transmitted to a bridge panel? [2]


  1. ^ from Come Together #19
  2. ^ from The K/S Press #40