Kids Under Twelve Drink Free

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Jim/Blair Fanfiction
Title: Kids Under Twelve Drink Free
Author(s): Mallory Klohn
Date(s): 26 December 1999
Length: 7680 words
Genre: Slash, Humor
Fandom: The Sentinel
External Links: online here

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Kids Under Twelve Drink Free is a Jim/Blair story by Mallory Klohn. It was written as part of a challenge set by Carol Ventura to write "Vegas Vanity" stories (i.e., Jim and Blair in Las Vegas, and not at a cop convention).[1] Originally posted to 852 Prospect, the story was later imported to AO3.

Reactions and Reviews

Best FF That Will Save You Money, Keep Your Hands Clean, and Protect Your Eyebrows from Harm: Kids Under Twelve Drink Free, by Mallory Klohn (no link for her, sorry). The Sentinel, Blair/Jim. See, Jim takes Blair to Vegas, and, well, there's gambling and sex and old ladies and sleaze and it's funny Sorry, but this is another one you just have to read to get. And please note that you can definitely read this story if you have no Sentinel experience; Las Vegas experience is also unnecessary, both for this story and for your life. I've been to Las Vegas far, far too often, and I promise you the place is a lot more fun when you're not actually there. So don't go; read this story instead, and not only will you experience the place as everyone should - from a distance - but you'll also save on airfare, gambling losses, and whatever it costs to get Vegas out of your clothes and your brain once you get home. [2]

I can't believe I haven't yadda yadda yadda.


I mean, this whole story is one big snerk. Hilarious and fun and light and sweet and marvelously in character and, well... yeah... Laugh out loud moments all over the place. Dammit, why can't she be more prolific?

Why, God, why?[3]

Humor is subjective admittedly, but it's Jim and Blair do Vegas! A little wacky, a little hot, and a lot funny-and you can believe if they had gone, it would be like this.[4]

I recently described Mallory Klohn as "Rebelcat on crack" (which will mean something to those of you who read Pros and/or S&H fic). Mallory is a humor specialist, but like Rebel, she doesn't sacrifice character to make her readers laugh. It doesn't matter how absurd the situation might be, Jim and Blair act like Jim and Blair. This time the boys are in Vegas, staying at the Luxor, and Blair is playing the slots while Jim tries to figure out how and when he should make his move on the younger man. I would advise not giving this one a look-see in a public place, because there is no way you can read this without laughing out loud. And the sex is pretty hot too! [5]

Jim and Blair do Vegas. Then they do each other. In between, you have some of the funniest banter ever written, a gaggle of Vegas nut-jobs, and Blair striking out so badly with a waitress that he actually ends up wearing pink. Whee! I love Mallory Klohn's fic, all two stories of it. S/he's got great wit, a deft hand with dialogue, and feels no need to muddle his/her humor with scads of angst. A wonderful, entertaining, enjoyable read. Now, if only it were longer...[6]
