Khan Reports

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Title: Khan Reports
Publisher: Page Eileen Lewis
Date(s): 1980s
Medium: print zine
Genre: gen
Fandom: Star Trek: TOS & Science Fiction
Language: English
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Khan Reports is a gen Star Trek: TOS anthology with at least four issues.

From a 1984 ad: "the zine for those people who always wanted to know about science fiction [con] reports but were afraid to ask."

From Halliday's Zinedex: "This is a family oriented fanzine. Artwork by: Christine Myers, Sylvia Liske and Anja Gruber. Writers are: John Mills, Sylvia Liske and Mimi English, plus many, many more."

Issue 1

Khan Reports 1 was published in 1984.

Issue 2

Khan Reports 2 was published in 1985.

Issue 3

cover of issue #3, Christine Myers

Khan Reports 3 was published in 1986 and contains 68 pages. It contains stories, art and Khan Reports.

  • art by Christine Myers, Monica Lloyd Loeppel and Sylvia Liske
  • writers are John Mills, Maria Kaldeweid, Wendy Montgomery, and more
  • Khan Reports by Diane Baron, Ena Glogowska and Elenore Claassen

Issue 4

Khan Reports 4 was published in 1987 and contains 46 pages.

front cover of issue #4, Anja Gruber
back cover of issue #4, Anja Gruber -- portrays Gene Roddenberry

The art is by Sylvia Liske, Anja Gruber, and Christine Myers.

The editorial:

Hi! This is the fourth issue of Khan Reports! We are proud that it is finally here.

Before I forget to mention, this is a special numbered issue. The number of your issue is at the bottom of this page.

I would like to take this time to thank each and everyone of you who wrote stories, sent in convention reports and did artwork.

This Khan Reports is being brought to you for the first time by my new Apple II c computer, and C.Itoh printer. With the exception of the story by John Mills; John sent in his story already typed.

Back by popular demand, and the fact that I enjoyed doing this, there will be a "Khan Reports 5." The final deadline for "Khan Reports 5" will be January 1st, 1988. If you have any questions, and or would like more information, about the next Khan Reports, please send a self addressed stamped envelope for a quick reply.

Happy reading, and may your whales always sing!

  • RX, poem by Gloria DeLeon (1)
  • Horsing Around, story by Mimi English (While on shore leave, Kirk convinces Spock to go see a horse race. One horse goes wild, and knocks Kirk to the ground. Spock saves Kirk by jumping on the runaway stallion, and inadvertently winning the race.) (2)
  • No Way is Too Long, story by Sylvia Liske (8)
  • Khan Report #1 by Page Eileen Lewis (con report for April 11, 1987 con in Pennsylvania where DeForest Kelley was the guest of honor.) (13)
  • The Captain and the Frog, a fairy tale by Sylvia Liske (15)
  • The Conspiracy, story by John Mills (18)
  • Khan Report #2 by Page Eileen Lewis (con report for Trekruise East, May 15-18, 1987) (35)
  • Astral Projection, poem by Gloria DeLeon (36)
  • Only Logical, limerick by Gloria DeLeon (38)
  • Khan Report #3 by Sherri Rabinowitz (con report for the Creation Convention in California, March 2-3, 1987 at the Disneyland Hotel) (39)