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Name: Kazbaby
Alias(es): stargazedinsanity
Type: fanwriter, fanartist, vidder
Fandoms: Farscape, Stargate SG-1, Spider-Man MCU Movieverse
Communities: many, TODO
"Unrealized Reality"
URL: Kazbaby at AO3
kazbaby at DW
Kazbaby at FFN
kazbaby at LJ
stargazedinsanity at Tumblr
kazbaby at Youtube
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Kazbaby is a fanwriter, manip maker, and vidder. They have been active in Farscape, SG-1, and other fandoms, creating fanworks and organizing events.[1][2]

Example Fanworks


  1. ^ e.g. this post mention's "Kazbaby's Farscape Potluckathon", but i haven't found other posts about the event
  2. ^ Kazbaby's ficathon tag on Dreamwidth logs other events she participated in or helped organize
  3. ^ OMG! I won!