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Fan Song
Song Title: Karkalicious
Composer: Fergie
Lyrics: Broadway Karkat
Melody: Fergalicious
Date: 2012
Fandom: Homestuck
Album: Broadwaystuck
External Links: Karkalicious (Youtube reprint)

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Karkalicious is a well-known Homestuck parody song of Fergalicious featuring the character Karkat Vantas. It is a part of the Broadwaystuck album. The song is more often remembered as its own entity than as a part of Broadwaystuck as a whole, however.


  1. Makes Terezi loco.
  2. Makes the shippers crazy.

Memetic status

Due to its popularity, the song has become a fairly popular in-reference and joke in the years after its release.

Fergalicious isnt a real song its just a rip off of the iconic homestuck track

tumblr user raisinchallah[1]

i know all the words to fergalicious but not the original

tumblr user birdsbian[2]

