John Segundus

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Name: John Segundus
Occupation: Theoretical Magician, Practical Magician, Caregiver
Fandom: Jonathan Strange & Mr Norrell
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John Segundus is one of the secondary characters of Jonathan Strange & Mr Norrell, based on the 2004 novel by Susanna Clarke and subsequent 2015 BBC television mini-series.


Segundus is an impoverished gentleman and aspiring magician. He attempts to start a magic school but is foiled by Gilbert Norrell.

Later, he is asked to care for Lady Pole and manages to break her curse with the help of John Childermass.


Fanon & Common Tropes

Example Fanworks



In which a flowering fairy orchard introduces a troubling new idea to Childermass and Segundus. (Sex. The idea is sex.)

For a period of three weeks in the summer of 1805 there was a molly house established on the second floor of a certain public house in the city of York.

When Jonathan Strange and Mr Norrell disappear, others are left to deal with the consequences of the return of magic to England: this side of the rain, Childermass and Segundus must work together for the greater good, but their paths have crossed many times over the years and feelings have been crushed in the process.


