Is This Paradise, Or What?

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Title: Is This Paradise, Or What?
Author(s): A.T. Bush
Date(s): 1984
Genre(s): slash
Fandom(s): Star Trek: TOS
Relationship(s): Kirk/Spock
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Is This Paradise, Or What? is a K/S story by A.T. Bush.

It was published First Time #1.


"While camping on the Shore Leave planet together, Kirk thinks itʼs an android Spock he makes love to."

Reactions and Reviews

Kirk & Spock on the Shore Leave Planet, a theme done often but still enjoyable in the capable hands of A.T. Bush. [1]

I believe this was the first "Shore Leave" planet story I ever read, and it is still my favorite. It follows a predictable storyline: Kirk and Spock beam down to the planet together, with Kirk's special gift to Spock being the reconstruction of a Vulcan landscape. Spock leaves their campsite while Kirk indulges in some serious fantasizing about his first officer—and he thinks that the planet's computers read his mind and send him a replica of Spock. Of course, it isn't an android at all, it's the real Spock, but the Vulcan conveniently forgets to tell his captain that. Poor Kirk! He goes through some really sad moments when he forces himself to say good-bye to his dream lover, only to get a very nice surprise later on....

The author adds some of her trademark little touches to make this story especially enjoyable. I really like the way Kirk discerns that the android Spock is the real Spock by noticing a love mark on his neck! I enjoy the opening sequence on the ship when Kirk and McCoy are discussing the upcoming shore leave. McCoy claims that the ship's resident haruspex (that's fortune teller) has foretold that the doctor will meet a gorgeous redhead who will make his leave a paradise. And as an aside, McCoy relates that there's another prediction:that Kirk will marry a commander within two month's time.

Of course that's woven into the end of the story in a most satisfactory way. [2]
