Iron Tennis

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Journal Community
Name: Iron Tennis, iron_tennis
Date(s): June-November 2005
Moderator: chellie_, konzatsu
Founder: chellie_
Type: Challenge
Fandom: Prince of Tennis
URL: https://

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Iron Tennis was a LiveJournal community spun off of PoT Challenge. There were 91 entries and 745 comments left in the second half of 2005.


Each week, we announce the competitors and also a 'secret ingredient'. Your entry, whether it be fic or icon must include on of the competitors, and may include the theme, or 'secret ingredient'. Character images may be taken from stock images, doujinshi, or fanart (with permission from the creator ONLY). Try to keep all fiction no longer than 600 words, and include proper warnings, etc. More information will be given on submission posts. Or go look at pot_challenge. lazy mod? why, whatever do you mean?

Entries will be uploaded to my own webserver to try to maintain anonymity of entries. On that note, please DO NOT show your entries anywhere until the contest is over. Entries must be made specifically for the contest, or otherwise not relased.

A competitor earns one (1) point for each entry entered with them as the subject. An additional half-point (.5) is given towards the competitor if the 'secret ingredient' is used in the entry. Please, for the sanity of the mods, try to not use both competitors in a single entry unless there is a clear 'winner' (ie. a match, contest, etc.), wherein the winner will receive the point.

Member voting will be done to determine the 'favourite dish' each week, out of all of the entries, not just the winning character. Each member votes for three (3) entries in order, each for icons and fics. Remember to vote in your order of preference, each place counts: three (3) ponts for first, two (2) points for second, and one (1) point for third.


(winners in bold):