Into the Sunshine

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Title: Into the Sunshine
Author(s): Sharlee Scott
Date(s): 1984
Genre(s): slash
Fandom(s): Star Trek: TOS
Relationship(s): Kirk/Spock
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Into the Sunshine is a K/S story by Sharlee Scott.

It was published in First Time #1.


"Kirk and an amnesiac Spock are captured by Romulans, who, unaware of their identity, think Kirk is Spockʼs slave."

Reactions and Reviews

Into The Sunshine by Sharlee Scott (14 pages) - in which Kirk & Spock fall into Romulan hands. Spock has had a blow to the head & lost his memory. Their captors assume that Spock is a Romulan & Kirk his slave. Kirk must convince Spock to trust him rather than the Romulans, in spite of Spock's physical resemblance to them. This story had potential & some really nice moments, but could have been excellent with some editorial help. It read like a first draft. [1]
