Inspirational Performance

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Title: Inspirational Performance
Author(s): Jaki Van Colan
Date(s): 1984
Genre(s): slash
Fandom(s): Star Trek: TOS
Relationship(s): Kirk/Spock
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Inspirational Performance is a K/S story by Jaki Van Colan.

It was published in First Time #1.


"'You can't do that! My fans will never stand for it!' said Jamie, tossing his head proudly. 'Well I'd sure hate to lose three regular customers,' retorted Derrold. 'But that's the way it'll have to be if you don't shape up." He slammed the door on his way out.'"

Reactions and Reviews

This is really hopelessly silly. If the author meant it to be funny, it just didn't work out... [1]
