In Their Velvet Prime

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Title: In Their Velvet Prime
Author(s): Seven of Six
Date(s): 2004
Genre(s): slash
Fandom(s): Star Trek: TOS
Relationship(s): Kirk/Spock
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In Their Velvet Prime is a Kirk/Spock story by Seven of Six.

It was published in the print zine Dark Fire #1.


"Spock begins to realize that more happened on Plutonius than he remembers."

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It has always been entirely conceivable to me that the Platonians might have taken pleasure in manipulating Kirk and Spock to perform intimate acts for their viewing pleasure. Had TOS been prime time entertainment in this decade instead of the sixties, I can even conceive the writers of “Plato’s Stepchildren” to film such an episode. Not in its entirety of course.

However all of that is speculation. In this short story, we learn how it could have been should such an event have taken place. I’ve seen this concept before, when during the forced sexual acts Kirk and Spock suddenly realized their mutual attraction and took things in their own hands so to speak. This time it’s different. Here we see just how demeaning and demoralizing such an encounter might have been for both men. This is probably a more realistic scenario than the rape that turns into love set-up.

We see this encounter through Spock’s memories and his despair is palpable. He believes he cannot face anyone again, and certainly not Kirk. His first thought is suicide, but his innate compassion for Kirk tells him how cruel such an act would be and he abandons the idea.

There are some fine moments to be gleaned from the rape scenes. Even though uncaring monsters are controlling them, their heretofore-unrecognized love (not lust) shines through. The most beautiful image to me is that of their hands seeking each other out during the brutality and those fingers lacing together in reassurance and understanding. A moment to melt the coldest heart. [1]


  1. ^ from The K/S Press #131