In The End

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Title: In The End
Creator: lithium doll
Date: 2003
Music: In The End by Linkin Park
Fandom: Farscape
URL: streaming at the Internet Archive or (go here to download)

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In The End is a Farscape fanvid by lithium doll. It won the 2003 Clamshell for Best Drama. The vid was included in the Farscape Canada Media Kits that were sent various TV columnists across Canada in order to draw their attention to the Farscape: The Peacekeeper Wars movie.


[Citrine42]: i love how the scenes went forward and then back again to the beginning at the end.[1]

[thedorkygirl]: This was my first vid, downloaded on dial-up when I was in high school!! <3 <3 [2]

[Elías Iván Martínez]: thumbs up if this was one of your first youtube videos you've ever seen [3]

I needed some good literal vids for the [Vividcon Literalism vs. Metaphor panel and] show. It's really easy to find good metaphor heavy vids, but not so easy to find ones that are very literalistic and good as well, probably because for most sophisticated vid watchers, super heavy literalism feels thuddingly stupid and dull unless it's done well. I'm not much into Farscape, but I was cruising though some discs that a fan had sent me of online vids, since I can't really watch them at home, and stumbled on this. I know enough of the fandom to recognize that a lot of this is quite literal-heavy, but it's done deftly and without feeling forced, and the literal interpretations don't detract from the story.[4]

==In Depth Review==
