Illusions of Grandeur

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Title: Illusions of Grandeur
Author(s): Pam Smith
Date(s): 1984
Genre(s): slash
Fandom(s): Star Trek: TOS
Relationship(s): Kirk/Spock
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Illusions of Grandeur is a K/S story by Pam Smith.

It was published in the print zine First Time #1.


"Garth impersonates Spock and attempts to seduce Kirk while holding them prisoner."

Reactions and Reviews


This was a little too rushed in the telling, but otherwise enjoyable. I am partial to series related stories, and I feel fairly certain that Garth would have approached Kirk as Spock, one way or another! In this story when he did so, I felt that Kirk would have been instantly suspicious of "Spock's" unprecedented behavior since Garth's shape-changing ability had just been mentioned. A good story that just needed a little more work. [1]
