I Don't Remember How It Happened

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Title: I Don't Remember How It Happened
Author(s): Merri-Todd Webster
Date(s): 2005 (archive date)
Length: 288K
Genre(s): het, slash
Fandom(s): The X-Files
External Links: online here

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I Don't Remember How It Happened is a NC-17 M/S/Sk/K X-Files story by Merri-Todd Webster. It contains various combinations of m/f, m/m, m/f/m, and m/m/m sex.

Reactions and Reviews

A very intricate story involving a lot of Mulder torture. Heartwrenching in the way Mulder can be seen to have some weaknesses that even Skinner and Scully cannot help with. This story shows that some things heal only in ways you can solve yourself.[1]
