I Call You Captain

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K/S Fanfiction
Title: I Call You Captain
Author(s): Rosemarie Heaton
Date(s): 1997
Genre: slash
Fandom: Star Trek: The Original Series
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I Call You Captain is a Kirk/Spock story by Rosemarie Heaton.

It was published in the K/S slash anthology Th'y'la #20.


"Spock pushes both Kirk and McCoy away as the 5-year mission ends."

Reactions and Reviews

The story begins with a clever and interesting situation—Kirk finds out that McCoy and Spock had sex. McCoy tries to tell him that it was only a one-night affair and it’s forgotten. But secretly McCoy liked it and is holding on to the memory. I wish we could have actually seen them make love because it is such an important part of the story.

This liaison precipitates Kirk’s confronting Spock and telling him that he’s desired him for a long time. But Spock says that it’s impossible because he’s the captain, which was a very nice moment. Kirk is crushed and tries to convince Spock otherwise, but Spock is aloof and distant. He wants to return to Vulcan to get in touch with his Vulcan-ness. I thought this was nicely shown and I felt for Kirk when after he had opened his heart, Spock turned away. Then, after the events of V’ger, Spock has resigned. McCoy had spent two years with Natira (a scenario I’ve always liked) and goes to find Spock at Kirk’s apartment in San Francisco. In a lovely scene, Spock talks with McCoy and tells him that he’d been away from Vulcan for so long that he wasn’t able to be a part of it. I enjoyed his explanation that he had left Vulcan when he was too young and had not completed his training. In a very tender moment, McCoy thanks Spock for the night they spent together.

Finally Kirk and Spock are together and it’s a nice ending as they toast McCoy and “remarkable men”. [1]

This ends up being a sweet, warm story by the end, but before that, it tells a version of what happened to make Spock leave his captain and go to Gol.

After Platonius, Spock had been withdrawn. McCoy went to see him, and Spock was so dejected (like the nice scenes we saw of them together in that episode) that McCoy put his arms around him and...it went from there. They had sex. Kirk discovers them together in the morning and is insanely jealous (even though he and Spock don't have a sexual relationship). The image that I love in this story is Kirk and McCoy squabbling over Spock, and Spock's rightful indignation at them for doing so. He makes them both leave. He and Kirk do admit feelings for each other, but I guess Spock feels it's an impossible situation because of Kirk being his captain. And he feels he's a failure as a human, so he'll go to Vulcan.

I liked at the end that we see from McCoy's POV again, when, after the V'ger incident, he goes to Kirk's SF apartment and finds Spock there, his friends having been working things out. Ah.... [2]

Somewhat confusing but rather nice vignette in two parts - after Plato's Stepchildren, and later, after reunion and V'Ger. Spock takes, but does not give, comfort with McCoy, leading to an unnecessary quarrel between Kirk & McCoy and Spock's departure to Gol. Reconciliations all around in the later scene. Nicely done. [3]


  1. ^ from The K/S Press #32
  2. ^ from The K/S Press #33
  3. ^ from Halliday's Zinedex