Homecoming (Star Trek: TOS story by Jungle Kitty)

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Title: Homecoming
Author(s): Jungle Kitty
Date(s): 2000
Fandom(s): Star Trek: TOS
External Links: online here

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Homecoming is an Kirk/Brandt story by Jungle Kitty.

Author's Notes

"The Enterprise returns to Earth at the end of the five-year-mission, with Kirk and Brandt both uncertain about the future. I've tried to recap the relevant events from The Uneasy Dancers, but I think you'll get more out of this if you know the details of what preceded it. It probably helps if you've also read Just Friends, the first Kirk/Brandt story. At this point, these stories are more like chapters in a book than separate stories. Your continued patronage is appreciated."

"Thanks to Wildcat for beta-reading and allowing Milele, an original character of hers, to appear in this story. The occasional intersection of my Kirk/Brandt and Wildcat's Spock/Uhura universes should not be construed to mean that everything that happened in one also happened in the other. Specifically, Spock of Wildcat's S/U stories didn't experience the events of my story, "The Uneasy Dancers," despite Milele's appearance in this story or Brandt's appearance in Wildcat's "A Woman's Touch.""


  • 2000 Golden Orgasm--Best Kirk/female Story
  • 2000 Golden Orgasm--Third Place, TOS Het