Heroes (Star Trek: TOS story)

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Title: Heroes
Author(s): Karla Kelly
Date(s): 1992
Genre(s): slash
Fandom(s): Star Trek: TOS
Relationship(s): Kirk/Spock
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Heroes is a K/S story by Karla Kelly.

It was published in the print zine First Time #34.


"After their run-in with the forms of Lincoln and Surak, Kirk wonders if either man was ever truly happy and decides to offer Spock what they never had."

Reactions and Reviews


A two page story of Kirk and Spock having a discussion of love and Lincoln and Surak. Interesting idea, nicely played between them. A little bit too short to support some of the ideas in a dramatic way. It becomes just talk instead of drama and emotions. Except for Kirk answering "Yes." to Spock's proposal -- it was short, but it said a lot. [1]

I am a big Karla Kelly fan and I was not disappointed by this one. I especially loved when Spock was explaining "...there can be no casual affair..." and Kirk answered "yes".

Nice story. [2]


A lovely, simple two page (very signature Karla Kelly) story of Kirk and Spock having a conversation about Lincoln and Surak (and the events from the corresponding episode) and love. Kirk says: “Love between mates can be the most pleasurable sensation in the universe. More, it is a sharing of self that is unsurpassed. Love shared is indescribable.”

Kirk declares his love and Spock accepts, but tells him of pon farr and how their relationship will be a lifetime commitment. I just loved that Kirk agrees right away!

Karla Kelly! Where have you been, girl? I know you’re reading this! I miss your stories! [3]
