Helper's Network US

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Fan Club
Name: Helpers Network US
Dates: 1988-2004
Founder(s): Mark and Kimberly Hartman
Leadership: Nan Dibble
Country based in:
Focus: Beauty and the Beast
External Links: WayBack Archived links (scroll back to 2005 for the last newsletter)
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Helper's Network US is a Beauty and the Beast (TV) fan club that was active from the late-1980s through the mid-2000s.

It is the biggest "branch network" of Helper's Network UK.

The club also ran a phone hotline where fans could call to get information about efforts to protest the show's cancellation. In 1991, the Hotline was handed over to Nan Dibble who then turned it a mailing list and later a website. In 2002, the site was turned over to Stephanie A. Wiltse.

The website supporting the newsletter went offline some time in 2004.

Branch offices in 1989:

The Helper's Network now has branch offices in New York City; Toronto, Canada; Lincolnshire, England; and Remscheid, West Germany. And what started out as a 2-page flyer has mushroomed into an indispensable 14-page guide on B&B and its fandom. The new "Beauty and the Beast Directory" from the Helper's Network is now available. [1]

In early 1991, it had a mailing list of 5000. [2]

Chain of Command

  • created and run by Kimberly Hartman and Mark Hartman (1988-1991)
  • handed over to Nancy Dibble (1991-2001)
  • handed over to Stephanie A. Wiltse as a co-owner (2001-2003)

Publications and Hotlines

1988 Description

From a December 1988 description by Stephanie A. Wiltse:

Kimberly Hartman, of Fullerton, CA, is one such notable Helper.... Kimberly is founder of 'The Helper's Network," an information-sharing group made up of teachers, scholars, librarians, and parents. Who, in turn, stay in touch with their own respective organizations (such as "Viewers for Quality Television," the "American Library Association," "National Parent-Teacher Association," "Parent's Choice Foundation," "International Reading Association," "Library of Congress Center for the Book," "Action for Children's Television," and/or the "National Education Association"). Whew, all with a view toward getting B&B recognized for its literary/ethical excellence. There's even a movement 'afoot' to get Ron Perlman a star on Hollywood's Walk of Fame! To quote ftem their "info packet": 'The name of our group takes its inspiration from the above-ground "Helpers" of the underground world, who spend their own time, talent, and re sources to help keep the underground world alive and healthy. We, too, devote our time, talent, and resources to help keep on the air what we believe is currently the best show on television." Further, they fed that anyone interested in keeping the show on the air is already a member of their

organization. [3]

2001 Description

An undated description (likely 2001) from Nan Dibble:

Helpers' Network was begun by Californians Mark and Kimberly Hartman in 1989 as a service to the fandom of the TV series Beauty and the Beast.

The Helpers' Network Hotline, a fan-driven information service, was born of fans' efforts to quickly mobilize to stave off a threatened cancellation at the end of first season in 1989. Because of the Hotline, when cancellation at last hit in January, 1990, fans were able to respond to support the show, writing and phoning potential new networks, both broadcast and cable, in overwhelming numbers. This quick mobilization and exchange of information, nationwide, was instrumental in launching a letter-writing campaign and petition drive (reportedly, over 200,000 signatures received) which provided visible, countable support for Republic's successful syndication of the truncated, 2 1/2-season series--first to the Family Channel in 1990-91, later to the then-fledgling Science Fiction Channel, then nationally, to well over 150 stations, and internationally, to countries including Russia, China, Japan, Australia, North and South America, and most of Europe.

The series is currently playing on the Hallmark cable channel (formerly Odyssey). In the years since cancellation, there have been few times it wasn't being broadcast somewhere--proof of its enduring appeal.

In the summer of 1991, the Hartmans passed the candle to Nan Dibble, pro novelist and all-round, all-season B&B fanatic. With Mark and Kim's blessing, Nan took over the operations of Helpers' Network and its Hotline and has continued ever since.

Updated weekly and carried originally phone and now by e-mail and the Helpers' Network website (over a quarter million hits to date), Helpers' Network reports what's going on in B&B fandom--news, books, magazine articles, merchandise, fan-written fiction, poetry, and art ("fanzines"), rumor control, conventions, videos, recordings, present activities of series castmembers, the hoped-for prospect of a B&B movie or miniseries (often rumored, never far): whatever is of interest to the fandom. News comes in from and goes out to Beauty and the Beast fans worldwide, reflecting the show's international loyal fandom. Fans ask questions, relay news tips, and pass on rumors to investigate: it's not only a message line, it's fully interactive--a way for fans to both get and give information.

Helpers' Network and its Hotline continue to do what they were founded to do: support the fandom and help keep the dream of Beauty and the Beast alive, however we can--together! [4]

2002: Passing the Torch from Dibble to Wiltse

In 2002, Nan Dibble stepped down to pursue a writing career and Stephanie Wiltse, former publisher of the Pipeline newsletter took over.

2001 message from Dibble:

Thanks to everybody who wrote such kind, forgiving posts about my ceasing to update the hotline. However, paraphrasing Mark Twain (and Devin), reports of my utter withdrawal from the fandom have been a bit exaggerated. You'll still have me to kick around for some years to come: I've entered into a partnership with Stephanie Wiltse, once/again with Pipeline, and I'll continue to maintain the Helpers' Network US website until we're all ready to retire to the Old Helpers' Home. The rumor of the renewal of the series, and the mandate for NEW episodes, is true...but it's only in the planning stages (I understand) at this point. So keep your enthusiasm contained until we have more definite news, through Pipeline, and keep checking the Helpers' Network website for the newest developments. Nan Dibble, Christmas 2001 [5]

Also see Helper's Network UK (fan club).

Went Online in 1998

One of the Helpline's more unique features, for the time, was the editor's willingness to have the information broadly disseminated and shared. In her 1998 post to the Usenet newsgroup beast, Nan Dibble write:

In that same context, I've recently had some requests for permission to fax or otherwise send on the information provided in these updates. For the record, and for always, YOU ALL HAVE MY PERMISSION to relay this anyplace you want. This is news FROM the fandom, FOR the fandom--just as it's always been. NO FURTHER PERMISSION IS OR EVER WILL BE NECESSARY for people to share it in whole or in part, anywhere, by any means."[6]

a flyer for, among other things, The Helpers' Network Hotline

The Network went online in May 1998.

Fan Comments: The World Wide Web Debut

Nan.... Such a delight to see you step a little further forward into cyberspace! First it was just your toes, in e-mail... then sharing ListMom duties for a small all-by-hand mailing list... now a home page! What--tomorrow the World?!?[7]

Nan, Remember when I was manually typing up the whole Helpers' Network Gazette from your hard copy and sending it out to just a few people? ;-) Wow, you've come a long way baby! [8]

Nan! Yeow--- there'll be no stopping you now! I'm so tickled to see you out here on the infobahn! It's a strange place, true... but it can't be all bad. It actually kinda reminds me of the Tunnels: dark and mysterious, somewhat hazy, anarchic, interesting and odd characters in plenty, and a new system of "pipes" to communicate with.[9]

Hi Nan --- A Helpers Network Web Page - how gooder can it get? Congratulations on taking this next big step. [10]

I am so glad that others continue to keep our dream alive. I only wish we had this internet up and going when the show was on the air. We might have been able to do more to save it from the CBS hatchet people. Thanks for all your hard work and efforts to keep fans informed of everything concerning the best show and wonderful actors Ron and Linda.[11]

Congratulations on this new website. I am fairly new to the internet and very recently discovered B&B; on the Net - I am thrilled! There has never been another show like it. Whilst in graduate school, I lived for Friday nights at 7 PM. I used to subscribe to a wonderful newsletter "Pipeline" - does anyone know what became of it? I am thrilled to have found this resource - I often wondered what became of the Hartmans. Reading about them nearly 10 years ago made me aware that there were other people out there who like myself were deeply touched by this extraordinary and unique show. Although it has been years since I have discussed the show with anyone, it has always lived in my heart. The spirit of "Beauty and the Beast" will live forever - I am so glad the magic is continuing. [12]

1993: Description and What Fans Received

HELPER'S NETWORK (US) An organization dedicated to promoting Beauty and the Beast, the whole series; supporting and encouraging the fandom, in all its wonderful diversity; and making friends.

the 1993 information sheet

Membership in Helper's Network costs $25.00/


1. A membership certificate attesting that you are a genuine HELPER, a valued member of Helper's Network.

2. A year's subscription to the Helper's Network Gazette, a monthly newsletter providing the freshest, most current news on what's doing with the series, the stars, the fandom, B&B products, and all related matters (a $15.00 value to non- members).

2a. If you're already a Gazette subscriber, you'll get the next 2 full 1994 Q-fers (the Helper's Network Quarterly Fanzine Review) (a $12.00 value to non-members).

3. Your choice of ONE of the following: a. the next full Q-fer (an $8 value to non-members) b. a videotape of any two episodes of your choice, done directly from my master copies (an $8.50 value to non-members) c. a copy of the complete Beauty and the Beast Compendium, covering literary references for episodes from all 3 seasons, together with an audiotape of Vincent's Letters to Catherine ("Dial-a-Beast") whose text is included with the Compendium (a $30 value to non-members).


Of your dues, $5 is a contribution toward the cost of maintaining the Helper's Network Hotline, a free service to whoever calls to get the latest, most accurate news on all matters related to Beauty and the Beast. So right from the first, you'll be a true HELPER.

The first 100 people to become HELPERS will be the charter members of Helper's Network, and proudly designated as such on their membership certificates.

Those joining by December 31, 1993 will be entered in a drawing whose prize is an autographed (by the author) manuscript of Nan Dibble's next book for Cinemaker, Bright Spirit Descending, complete with Barb Gipson artwork. The novel deals with the pivotal and dramatic episodes The Alchemist and To Reign in Hell and also includes a completely original story of the founding of the tunnel community. If Nan can wrangle it, she'll get Ron Perlman to sign it, too. This would be the original manuscript, typeset and bound like a zine-a unique keepsake-and good reading, too!


A list, available in early January, of all members, with names, phone numbers, addresses, interests, expertise (professional and personal), special slant/interest about B&B, and anything else they care to share, so that all members can truly NETWORK with one another.

Stephanie Wiltse and Nan Dibble are planning on bringing out a real keepsake, The Best of Pipeline, with Stephanie's most memorable interviews and articles, photos, artwork, and all that made Pipeline so special. HN members would get a substantial discount on the price at which this book would be offered to non-members.

Club T-shirts, to be designed by either Beth Blighton or Barbara Gipson (depending on whose arm Nan finds the most twistable) in time for Tunnelcon III, next summer.

A Helper's Network 1995 B&B Calendar.

Whatever the membership would be interested in as publications, projects, or ideas to pursue.

This will be a club reflecting the interests and enthusiasms of its members. Is there a service Helper's Network could offer the fandom? Is there something you've been wanting to do but didn't want to take on alone? As a group, Helper's Network will be able to do things none of its members could do alone. That's the strength of community: where each gives help where it's needed and accepts help, in turn: sharing who and what we are and trying to live "the best we can," in the spirit of Beauty and the Beast-Keeping the dream alive in our own lives...and together!

If you'd like to become a member, please fill out the membership form and send it to Helper's Network [address redacted] [13]


From the 2001 website FAQ:

"The Helpers' Network Hotline, fan-driven information service, was born of fans' efforts to quickly mobilize to stave off a threatened cancellation at the end of first season in 1989. Because of the Hotline, when cancellation at last hit in January, 1990, fans were able to respond to support the show, writing and phoning potential new networks, both broadcast and cable, in overwhelming numbers. This quick mobilization and exchange of information, nationwide, was instrumental in launching a letter-writing campaign and petition drive (reportedly, over 200,000 signatures received)...In the summer of 1991, the Hartmans passed the candle to Nan Dibble, pro novelist and all-round, all-season B&B fanatic. With Mark and Kim's blessing, Nan took over the operations of Helpers' Network and its Hotline ...."

"Updated weekly and carried originally phone and now by e-mail and the Helpers' Network website (over 100,000 hits to date), Helpers' Network reports what's going on in B&B fandom--news, books, magazine articles, merchandise, fan-written fiction, poetry, and art ("fanzines"), rumor control, conventions, videos, recordings, present activities of series castmembers, the hoped-for prospect of a B&B movie or miniseries (often rumored, never far): whatever is of interest to the fandom. News comes in from and goes out to Beauty and the Beast fans worldwide, reflecting the show's international loyal fandom. Fans ask questions, relay news tips, and pass on rumors to investigate: it's not only a message line, it's fully interactive--a way for fans to both get and give information."[14]


  1. ^ from Pipeline v.2 n.8 (August 1989)
  2. ^ as per the February/March issue of Pipeline
  3. ^ from Pipeline v.1 n.7
  4. ^ from Helpers' Network and the Hotline
  5. ^ Guestbook
  6. ^ Nan Dibble's Helpers' Network Hotline update 5/17/98 post to beast.
  7. ^ May 1998 at the site's Guestbook
  8. ^ May 1998 at the site's Guestbook
  9. ^ May 1998 at the site's Guestbook
  10. ^ June 1998 at the site's Guestbook
  11. ^ June 1998 at the site's Guestbook
  12. ^ June 1998 at the site's Guestbook
  13. ^ Helper's Network Gazette - November 1993, Archived version
  14. ^ Hotline History WebCite.