Harry Potter and the Nightmares of Futures Past

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Title: Harry Potter and the Nightmares of Futures Past
Author(s): S'TarKan
Date(s): October 28, 2005 - Hiatus
Length: 43 chapters as of August 2024
Genre(s): Adventure/Romance
Fandom(s): Harry Potter
Relationship(s): Harry/Ginny, Ron/Hermione, Neville/Luna
External Links: Harry Potter and the Nightmares of Futures Past on Royal Road

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Harry Potter and the Nightmares of Futures Past is a peggy sue story by S'TarKan. At some point it was the top 1 Harry Potter story in fanfiction.net sorted by favourites. The story was reported and deleted in 2019 for copyright infringement due to some poems written by the author's wife, which fanfiction.net took for song lyrics. Despite many emails, the story never got restored[1]. S'TarKan was suggested to post it on AO3, but he decided not to after lerning that AO3 doesn't allow Patreon links.
