Halflife: Fulllife Consequences

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Title: Halflife: Fulllife Consequences
Author(s): squirrelking
Date(s): 18 May 2006 - 12 April 2009
Length: 752 Words (first part)
3266 Words (all together)
Genre(s): Gen; Horror/Sci-Fi; badfic
Fandom(s): Half-Life
External Links: Halflife: Fulllife Consequences, Archived version on FanFiction.Net
Screenshot from Half-Life: Full Life Consequences Machinima by ICTON

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Halflife: Fulllife Consequences is an infamous badfic series in the Half-Life fandom. Its sequels are called Halflife:FullLife Consequences 2:WhatHasTobeDone, Halflife: Hero Beggining, and Halflife Fulllife Consequences: Free Man. It is beloved and the inspiration of many recursive fanworks.

John Freeman, a fanon brother of Gordon Freeman, is an inside joke within the fandom. He's often mentioned off-hand as Gordon's totally canonical brother in fan-made videos and fic. Although the series features another fanon brother by the name of Henry Freeman, he's not referenced in the fandom nearly as often as John. John even has his own wrangled tag on Archive of Our Own; see John Freeman (Half Life: Full Life Consequences).

John Freeman who is Gordon Freemans brother has to do what has to be done and help Gordon Freemen defeat the enemys

Halflife: Fulllife Consequences's summary

Later in 2006, the fic was discovered by blind51de, who did a dramatic reading of the fic on YTMND. This dramatic reading was later turned into Flash animation by Vegeta897 and amazingtrout in 2007.

In 2008, Halflife: Fulllife Consequences was adapted into a Garry's Mod series by ICTON. This elevated the badfic to Internet classic status, earning the original story and the Garry's Mod series an article on Wikipedia, IMDB and TVTropes.

In 2009, a speedcore remix of blind51de's dramatic reading was created by well-known furry fan musician Lapfox, titled John Freeman. A cosplay video would be made later by Jizzle and Rock, which can be seen at Half-Life: Real Life Consequences, and features the remix for its ending credits theme.

In the 2010s, it was sporked on Friday Night Fanfiction. In 2021, ICTON's Garry's Mod video was re-animated by many fanartists, which can be seen at "Half-Life: Full Life Consequences" RE-ANIMATED.

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