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Hailing Frequencies (Star Trek: TOS zine by Conn M. Quinn)
Zine | |
Title: | Hailing Frequencies |
Publisher: | "a "'V'ulcan Publication," out of Richmond Hill, New York (v.3 n.1 notes that it is "Star Trek Fan Club Chapter 917") |
Editor(s): | Conn M. Quinn |
Date(s): | ?-to at least September 1976 |
Series?: | |
Medium: | |
Size: | |
Genre: | |
Fandom: | Star Trek: TOS |
Language: | English |
External Links: | |
Click here for related articles on Fanlore. | |
Hailing Frequencies is a gen Star Trek: TOS zine edited by Conn M. Quinn. It contains fiction and articles.
V.3. N.1
This issue was mailed early February 1976 and contains 16 pages. Conn M. Quinn was the editor and publisher and Gil Bauer was the assistant editor. The advertising director was Deirdre A. Quinn. Maxine Lee Broadwater was listed as the convention correspondent.
As a service to our subscribers, page 5 will be an application form to a trerrry inexpensive, high quality Star Trek club. As you may notice, this fanzine id that club's official fanzine, for obvious reasons, but also because STFCC 917 is a very "picky" club, and wants only the best for our members. If you have a Star Trek club, and would like it to be publicized, send us an application form, will we insert it into an issue.Thank you.
- a blurb about Mini-Trek Con, though this has a different venue and date than what/where the con happened (1)
- The Illogic of Waste, part one, fiction by Conn M. Quinn (the next part was to appear in the April 1976 issue, Quinn asked fans to send in "suggestions on how the story should turn out, or any items which might be helpful, and you will be given full credit.") (1)
- a very short review by Peter Althston of I Am Not Spock (4)
- a short blurb by John Fury about the Star Trek movie ("Well, people, we have finally done it. Paramount recently signed a contract with Gene Roddenberry for the production of the new Star Trek movie. But the best news of all: ALL of the original cast will be in the movie. The reason we have waited to tell you about this is because when you receive this issue, they will be filming the movie! This makes us feel especially proud, and we are all waiting to see it when it is released later this year.") (4)
- Trivia Quiz, excerpted from Star Trek Trivia Book (4)
- application for the fan club that published this zine (5)
- The Third Year, fiction by Conn M. Quinn (7)
- submission request for this zine ("ATTENTION! If you would like to submit a story to this zine, we will be happy to mail you the information necessary. Your name will appear in the issue, along with the story. So start writing! Contributions will also be accepted for the ANNIVERSARY 10 yearbook. Send something soon!") (11)
- announcement of a new project by the editor: a fanzine on tape ("Announcing "CAPTAINS LOG," a new type of fanzine, on a cassette tape! first edition available in March. Price: $5.00 for a 90 minute fanzine. This zine will be edited by Conn M. Quinn I, and will periodically include on-the spot convention reports. Will be published 3 times a year. Subscription price: $13.50 for 1 year. For information, write to the fanzine address, and enclose an SASE. Definitely worth the price in sheer excitement alone. Also, if you would like to contribute anything, let us know by sending us the story. We’ll provide the sound effects. NO contributions accepted without subscription. Sorry. (Very.)" (11)
- Why, fiction by Kirk Johnston (12)
V.3. N.2
April 1976
V.5. N.1
This issue was mailed early June 1976 and contains 6 pages.
- info about Star Trek America (1)
- How to Run a Convention, part one, article by Conn M. Quinn (an excerpt: "When you get 1/3 of the hotel bill into the account, write a check for what is necessary to the hotel. Bring it to the convention sales manager. That will reserve your space. In the meantime, start trying to get guests. The Presidents of the authorized fan clubs are the best place to go to get information about where to reach them, Because of the time involved, ft is suggested that you start this process about a year before the Convention starts.") (1)
- Star Trek Gossip ("Rumor has it that the attendance of the next six major conventions will determine the fate of the STAR TREK Movie. Paramount bigwigs figure that if the fans don't care about the conventions, they won't care about the movie. So, SUPPORT THE CONVENTIONS! Oh, and by the way, "HAILING FREQUENCIES" officially endorses STAR TREK '77 as the convention of the year, GO! YOU'LL ENJOY IT, AND YOU'LL BE SUPPORTING THE MOVIE!") (2)
- Star Trek Gossip ("Joanie Winston is right now writing her next book, which you've all heard so much about. Curious about the title? It will called "HOW TO HOLD A PARTY FOR 12,000 of YOUR MOST INTIMATE FRIENDS." It will be the inside story of the original 5 conventions, and rumor has it that is will finally tell who is who, who isn't who, and best of, all, why. We don't know when it will be out, but it will probably arrive in time for the Bi-Centennial 10 Convention, September 3-6, 1976, in New York.") (2)
- Travel Agent ("DON'T FORGET OUR CONVENTION TRAVEL SERVICE! WE'LL ACT AS YOUR TRAVEL TO ANY STAR TREK CONVENTION IN THE WORLD. WE will arrange hotel, travel, and give you exactly what the trip will cost, in a nice, ready to read package. All for free. Let us know the convention, when you want to arrive, when you want to leave, and where you're coming from, and how you want to get there; we'll set all up for you. We do not however, pay the bills, that you must take care of yourself. Don't forget to know how many are traveling with you, and what type of room you want. Hope to hear from you.") (2)
- Impressions of Authority, fiction by Conn M. Quinn (3)
- Movie Review: Logan's Run ("For once, since STAR TREK, there is finally a believable science fiction show. "LOGAN'S RUN takes place in the year 2274, about 50 years after STAR TREK. The movie opens in the great domed city, which I would not mind living in myself. Tubes stretching between the super-modern buildings are the transportation system, with little cars running through them. The pace of the movie is on where you would not want to leave the theatre for anything, with the exception of William Shatner being outside. But I can't tell you everything. Go see it for yourself, if you ever have the chance. You'll love it.") (4)
- some jokes (5)
- Last Minute Convention Information (5)
V.5 N.2
This issue was mailed September 1976 and contains 4 pages.
- Trek Around the Clock, filk by Pat and Judy Molnar ("originally composed for the 1976 ST Convention, Febrary 12-16, 1976") (1)
- The Amnesiac, fiction by Conn M. Quinn (2)
- con report for Mini-Trek Con II (took place May 9, 1976 at the Commodore Hotel) by Conn M. Quinn (3)
- ad for the "Hailing Frequencies Fifth Anniversary Star Trek Tennial Yearbook" (to be available July 1976) (4)