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Fan Club
Name: H.A.M.I.L.L.S. (The Star Wars Appreciation Society of Australia)
Dates: mid-1980s-closed in May 1987
Country based in: Australia
Focus: Star Wars
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H.A.M.I.L.L.S. 1985 Advertisement in Worldcon 1985 book p. 74

H.A.M.I.L.L.S. was a Star Wars fan club in Australia. It styled itself after the Star Trek Welcommittee, and aimed to be a "Star Wars information centre. We can answer most of your Star Wars queries."

The name of the club stood for "How Australian Members In Limbo Learn Survival."

Among other things, it published a quarterly newsletter called Rebel Report as well as the one-shot zine Auzwars Chronicles.

This fan club was succeeded by Star Walking Inc..


From the editorial of Auzwars Chronicles:

H.A.M.I.L.L.S. is the Star Wars Appreciation Society of Australia, a fan organized, non-profit Stars Wars information centre. Originally, we were the Australian Chapter of the Official Star Wars Fan Club. But in 1981 when the American based Fan Club decided to operate the Fan Club wholly from America, we transferred to an appreciation society and H.A.M.I.L.L.S. was founded. Thus giving Australian Star Wars fans a base. To date, H.A.M.I.L.L.S. has in excess of 5000 members nationwide, with a further 300 members in several countries throughout the world. We have a staff of 25, each actively participating in the workings of the Society. Each Australian state is headed by a group member, thus giving members closer contact with Headquarters, which is based in Campbelltown, south of Sydney, New South Wales. H.A.M.I.L.L.S. actively works in raising funds for leukaemia research, channelling our enthusiasm to a worthwhile cause. To this end, H.A.M.I.L.L.S. has hosted charity screenings, mini-conventions, and the like. In 1983, we hosted the Official Premier of Return of the Jedi in Sydney and Melbourne.

From an article in Alliance #1 (1995):

It was a time of no outlets, outposts or clubs operating In Australia. During 1979. plans were afoot to establish an official STAR WARS fan club In Australia, but it was not until 1980 that a group of fans succeeded In gaining the sanction from Lucasfilm to operate a STAR WARS club.

Initially Denise Cunningham was appointed secretary of the new Australian Chapter of the official Star Wars Fan Club, but it was not until Denise's appointment as President that it began to flourish in earnest. Denise was able as President to fully promote all aspects of the Star Wars universe in Australia. However, the licence to operate the Australian Chapter was only for a twelve month duration and upon it's expiry, all operations were transferred to the U.S. Some members opposed this move, fully believing that Australian fans would be left In limbo, and so in response. Australian members became 'Rebels of the Lost Force' and under Denise Cunningham's directorship.

H.A.M.I.L.L.S. (How Australian Members In Limbo Learn Survival!), was born. I [Shane Morrissey] was appointed Victorian State Commander in December 1981. H.A.M.I.L.L.S was based in New South Wales with outposts In all states of Australia, operated under guidelines from Lucasfilm. answered fan mail, and was able to fully promote Star Wars and other Lucasfilm projects. It also served as a free information outlet, sold club members-only merchandise, ran a pen-pal service, produced a quarterly newsletter giving the latest news on the Star Wars universe, and published the only Australian-produced fanzine. Auzwars Chronicles. H.A.M.I.L.L.S. also conducted and hosted many social activities, exhibitions and fund-raising activities.


H.A.M.I.L.L.S operated from November 1980 until It's closure in July 1987 Membership peaked at 17.000 in 1983-84. world-wide.


With the closure of H.A.M.I.L.L.S. there was a great sense of loss felt by the Australian aficionados of the STAR WARS saga and other Lucasfilm projects. After consideration. I decided to form Star Walking Inc. to keep the spirit and flame of the STAR WARS saga and interest in Lucasfilm Ltd operations alive and blazing in Australia.

From "Australian Fans With The Force" by Lisa Cowan in Tydirium #2 (1995):

The magic of 'Star Wars' has strong effects on people world-wide, and Australia is no exception. Many fans down-imder joined the Official Star Wars Fan Club, but they felt remote and left out of Star Wars events and conventions held in the USA and Europe. Aussie fans wanted their own Star Wars identity, and so in 1980 a group of fans succeeded in gaining permission from Lucasfilm Ltd. to operate an ofEcial Australian chapter of the Star Wars Fan Club.

However, in 1981, their license ran out, and once again OZ fans were left in limbo. Chapter president, Denise Cunningham and the 'Rebels of the Lost Force' formed an independent Star Wars/Lucasfilm appreciation society they called, 'How Australian Members in Limbo Learn Survival!' or H.A.M.I.L.L.S. They claimed that the fact that the initials speUed out the last name of a certain actor who played the lead in the Star Wars films was "only a coincidence."

H.A.M.I.L.L.S. was soon a powerful Force of its own with an active newsletter, members-only merchandise, and the only Australian-produced fanzine: the Auswars Chronicles. The club soon had enough members to hold social and fund-raising events including conventions. Membership peaked at 17,000 in 1984-5. In 1986 their 'Galactic Tours' convention featured David Prowse as the Guest of Honour.

Because Denise Cunningham had close connections with the FOX studios affiliate in Australia, and because H.A.M.I.L.L.S. was a large and successful organisation, Lucasfilm Ltd. decided to be friendly with the club, and often sent the officers and members promotional materials for their charity events.

Denise was invited to visit the 'Return of the Jedi' movie sets at Elstree studios, and later visited Skywalker Ranch and ILM as a guest of the OSWFC. HAMILLS operated from 1980 until 1987, at which time Denise, who also works for actor Mel Gibson (talk about connections!), felt she could no longer devote the time and energy needed to keep the club running. The void left with the ending of this active club was too much to bear for some Rebels, and in October 1988 (only a few months after the Lucasfilm Fan Club got underway in the States), STAR WALKING Inc. was formed by Shane Morrissey and a few other former officers of HAMILLS. The new group is much like the old, with a quarterly newsletter and numerous fund-raising and convention activities.

Tenth Anniversary Celebrations

On 23 and 24 May 1987, H.A.M.I.L.L.S. in Melbourne commemorated the tenth anniversary of "Star Wars" with a weekend-long celebration that included a banquet and disco, along with a screening of the three movies at a Melbourne cinema. Photos that follow in this section were supplied by Jan MacNally.

Club Flyers