Green Darkness

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K/S Fanfiction
Title: Green Darkness
Author(s): Ida Vega
Date(s): 1994
Length: ?
Genre: Slash, M/M
Fandom: Star Trek: The Original Series
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Green Darkness is a Kirk/Spock story by Ida Vega.

It was published in the print zine T'hy'la #15.


Reactions and Reviews

There is a lot to this story, but I can't help zeroing in on one aspect I took issue with. In the beginning of the story, there is mention of the women in an imprisoned landing party having to use torn off bits of uniforms, etc., for their menstrual flow. I thought this was an interesting touch; and too bad Kirk and Spock aren't women or we could br writing about their periods and menopause in our stories.

Later, however, I was bothered by the expressed assumption that the women's menstraul cycles are bothersome, needing medication. And Spock is shown to have always observed "irrational behavior" in women crewmembers at different times of the month. Hmpf. This is not all women's experience, not mine certainly; and I wish the author had stretched her imagination on this subject and imagined how it would be for us in our 23rd century. I would venture to say our periods will not be bothersome, and not only because symptoms are being repressed by medication. Anyway, if in the normal course of events in ST the women's symptoms are repressed by medication, then why should Spock observe irrational behavior in crewwoman? I mean beyond what is normal human irrational behavior.

This author's Starfleet will sadly probably never have a woman captain, certainly not a mature one who might go through a bothersome menopause. So, does she believe menses, like the common cold, one of those mysteries whose depths will never be plumbed?[1]


  1. ^ from Come Together #11