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Gift of the Masters of Time

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Title: Gift of the Masters of Time
Author(s): Juanita Salicrup
Date(s): 1980
Genre(s): gen
Fandom(s): Star Trek: TOS/Doctor Who
External Links: Gift of the Masters of Time

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Gift of the Masters of Time is a Star Trek: TOS story by Juanita Salicrup.

art by Alice Jones for "Gift of the Masters of Time"
art by Alice Jones for "Gift of the Masters of Time"
title page

It was published in the print zine Dagger of the Mind.

It is a sort-of part of her Crossroad Series. ""Gift of the Masters of Time" is not a 'series' story per se. However, Juanita's Spock and Christine series, Crossroads, offers further insight into the Vulcan's character and interactions in a very real world. [1]

Reactions and Reviews

Long after the deaths of Kirk and McCoy, a disabled Captain Spock is contemplating his future when some genies... oh, er, Time Masters... offer to reward his basic wonderfulness by granting him one change in time. He chooses to rescue Zarabeth. An interesting dilemma and resolution. [2]

"Gift of the Masters of Time", by Juanita Salicrup -- Before the story starts, Spock returns the focusing crystal to the Masters of Time in an adventure that costs Kirk's life and permanently disables Spock. The Masters come to Spock and offer him a reward -- to change one incident in the past. The ethical and logistical implications of the choice constitute the story. [3]
