Gift Horse

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Title: Gift Horse
Author(s): Julad
Genre(s): slash
Fandom(s): Due South
Relationship(s): Fraser/Kowalski
External Links: online at AO3

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Gift Horse is a Fraser/Kowalski story by Julad.

Reactions and Reviews

I was browsing through Julad's site and found this other little gem after I had already rec'd Third Person. So I decided to include it in the next update. It is really not much more than a PWP, that starts out with Ray musing about his adventure with Fraser post COtW. It is filled with stunning emotional imagery that is as fast paced as you know Ray's mind works. It includes some hot snap-shot like flashes of Ray and Fraser's first time. It isn't really that long, but is packed full of so much heat and wonderfully right on characterization. The imagery is the best though, she has a way with that in this one. It is a must check out, it's how I think Ray would probably feel during their adventure. I connected with the scene when they get some food. The electricity went off around here for a week not long ago and let me tell you any hot meal was good, no matter what it was. I never knew canned peas tasted so good either, always hated the damn things before. Beggers can't be choosers though. I loved this one, I didn't connect with her Sentinel fic everyone has been rec'ing all that much. Her DS fics really strike a nerve with me, though, and I can't get enough of them. Anyone want to get in with me and beg her for more of them? She also has a recs site, anhedonian recommendations that you should check out, it's great too. [1]
