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Jim/Blair Fanfiction
Title: Gentleman
Author(s): Kassrachel
Date(s): 25 April 2000
Length: 2387 words
Genre: Slash, PWP
Fandom: The Sentinel
External Links: Gentleman on Tripod
Gentleman on fanworks by kass
Gentleman on AO3

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Gentleman is a Jim/Blair story by Kassrachel.


Jim may be an officer, but is he always a gentleman?

Reactions and Reviews

Sometimes when I'm reading fan fiction, I just want to smile. I want to be transported to a place where Jim and Blair are, well, happy. And so I find myself re-reading Kass-Rachel's stories when that's what I'm after. This story in particular just makes me grin. Especially that part where Jim does that thing with his finger that Blair wasn't expecting.... Two words: button fic. I'm sensing a trend, here.[1]
