The Gardener's Craft

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Title: The Gardener's Craft
Author(s): Connie Faddis
Date(s): 1975
Genre(s): gen
Fandom(s): Star Trek: TOS
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The Gardener's Craft is a Star Trek: TOS story by Connie Faddis.

It was published in the print zine Energize! (with art by Kathie Maynard) and in Archives #6 (with art by Suzan Lovett).

Without the Gardener's Craft is a responsefic by Kathy Penland in Contact #2.


A landing party discovers a lush tropical garden on an otherwise desolate planet. They become the guests of the friendly 'gardeners' of this planet) a humanoid species with remarkable mind scanning abilities. When Kirk is injured in a rock slide, his legs must be amputated and McCoy learns that the gardeners have the knowledge to care far more than the plants of their planet.

Sample Art: Energize!

Sample Art: Archives 6

Reactions and Reviews

[comment on the responsefic -- Without the Gardener's Craft]: [It] is a bit unusual. It is an alternate ending to a Faddis story that appeared last year in Energize!. Your time would be better spent finding a copy of the original story... [that one's] absolutely first rate. [1]

I feel like a great-grandmother for christ's sake! My first fanfic [I ever read]? Gardener's Craft by Connie Willis [2], 1974! I still have the zine this story is in (the reason I still own the zine, really) and got a chance to embarrass her about it about 10 years ago at MediaWest*Con when I was on a panel. Oh, it's a Trek TOS story. Deals with cloning of all things![3]


  1. ^ by H.O. Petard from Spectrum #27
  2. ^ not Willis, it's Faddis
  3. ^ comment by Kathleen at First fan fiction you ever read and thoughts, March 1999