Forever Fire

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Title: Forever Fire
Author(s): Robin Hood
Date(s): 1987
Genre(s): slash
Fandom(s): Star Trek: TOS
Relationship(s): Kirk/Spock
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Forever Fire is a Kirk/Spock story by Robin Hood.

It was published in Greater California K/S.

Discussed in Not Tonight, Spock!

See Sexuality in K/S Fiction: Anal Intercourse Prolonged er uh Continued.


"Spock talks Kirk into returning with him to Sarpedionʼs past to supply Zarabeth with things to make her exile easier."

Reactions and Reviews

... in which we see the aftermath of Spock‘s encounter with Zarabeth. He is very unsettled by the experience and is determined to return, if only long enough to bring some creature comforts to Zarabeth‘s tragic life. Very touching story. [1]


  1. ^ from The K/S Press #162