Fleur Delacour's Year of Living Dangerously

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Title: Fleur Delacour's Year of Living Dangerously
Author(s): Femme Teriyaki
Date(s): Jan 30, 2005 - Jun 7, 2009
Length: 170,000 words
Genre(s): Humor/Romance
Fandom(s): Harry Potter
External Links: https://www.fanfiction.net/s/2241939/1/Fleur-Delacour-s-Year-of-Living-Dangerously

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Fleur Delacour's Year of Living Dangerously is a Harry Potter fic by Femme Teriyaki originally posted on FanFiction.Net. It was first published in January 2005 and last updated in June 2009; to date, it remains incomplete with 20 chapters so far. The fic is written as the diary of Fleur Delacour, and it features Harry/Fleur as its main pairing, as well as a fake relationship between Fleur and a gay and closeted Percy Weasley.



A tale of Lusts and Loves via Fleur Delacour's private diary. After Fleur Delacour is sufficiently Americanized and, worse still, Mugglefied, is there any way she can return to her normal wizarding, French self? No. But it'll be fun watching her try… Welcome to a year in the life of a self-mocking, self-deprecating, low-self-esteem drama queen.[1]

Writing Style


They cut me off. First they Mugglefied me, then they cut me off! My parents told me to get Mugglefied, to get acquainted with the way Muggles live and act—they cut me off from the wizarding community for a year, with nothing but owls to communicate with. Supposedly, such a jarring entry into the way the "other half lives" was supposed to show me the true value of my Beauxbatons education.

In this year of Mugglefication, I fell in love with Orlando Bloom and Jude Law at the same time, cried when Brad Pitt and Jennifer Aniston broke up, booed that other Simpson girl, and watched Napoleon Dynamite sixteen times. It was a true cultural experience. I discovered MTV, then discovered VH1 (and threw MTV dans la poubelle). Ibecame a slave to the internet, American Express, MasterCard, and Visa, and became unduly obsessed with this thing called "fan fiction." America was delightful, but it allegedly had a few adverse effects on me. (My family is threatening to block channels for every time I say "like," "whatever," "seriously," and "duh.") The only adverse affect I see is this: Now, now that I have finally adjusted to the Muggle way of living—they've cut me off!

They took my credit cards (all six of them) and cut them in half. They said they'd "been coddling me too long," and told me that I would no longer be living at their expense—what they meant, of course was: Get a J-O-B. They've sent me back to the Wizarding World, and now I'm job interviewing—at Hogwarts. I know, right? Endless joy…[2]

Am realizing that Harry must be Best DADA Student Ever. Think of his experience! Am imagining Harry bravely fighting the Dark Lord; am skipping times 1 through 4 because of the perverse way underage-ness of this thought. Am instead imagining the 4th year fight, parce que je me souviens how he was then. Am trying not to OD on such complete hotness of his bravery, fall out of chair, faint or similar.

"There are several curses…"

Go, Harry, go!

"…that will disable your opponent…"

Alors! How on earth did he get so divine…?

"…long enough for you to get to your feet…"

And so brilliant…

"Can anyone name these curses? Anyone?"

And so…

"Fleur, would you kindly tell the class the answer?"

Soooo sexy.

"Erm, no, that's not the answer," says Professor Lupin, turning an interesting shade of magenta and loosening his tie in discomfort.


Did I just say that out loud?[3]


Reactions and Reviews

What a quirky, original fic! You've taken one of "ze beautiful people" and given them insecurities to match (and even surpass!) the rest of us. And whatsmore, you made it all sound totally believable!

...If one forgets the no-hogwarts-no-magic-no-Harry-Potter thing, that is.

Thank you for several good chuckles. You've made my favourite stories list.


Oh, god, I haven't laughed so hard in...oh, forever. This was brilliant! Just the right balance of trash (because it's fanfic and starring Fleur, what did you expect?) and quality writing, with lots of little references that just make it soo much better.

Honestly, though, your fic taught me two very important things:

1) I should not read fics with so many music references, as it reminds me of songs I meant to download and I spend all my time doing that instead of studying

2) I am so very glad that my French orals are over, because I can't guarantee that some of the more colourful French expressions wouldn't end up i my exam.

Jaques is brilliant, Fleur is a disaster area...I love this fic. My one criticism? At times she can be just a little *too* American.

-Cassidy Lynne[5]
