First Star

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Title: First Star
Author(s): Lurae Brisley
Date(s): 1989
Genre(s): slash
Fandom(s): Star Trek: TOS
Relationship(s): Kirk/Spock
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First Star is a K/S story by Lurae Brisley.

It was published in the print zine First Time #23.

art for this story by Dragon


"Kirk is injured when taken as a hostage shortly after VʼGer, so McCoy sends him and Spock on shoreleave for him to recuperate."

Reactions and Reviews


This author is, no doubt, one of the "new" ones mentioned in the editorial. Her story involves a plot that is rather over-used — Kirk telling Spock he has finally found that special someone and Spock misunderstanding — but her writing is gentle and sensitive and she avoids many of the pitfalls so common to early efforts. She should try to avoid use of 20th century cliches and euphemisms (a telephone pole in the 23rd century? Would they even know what it was?), and their immediate bonding is, I feel, quite premature. Neither Spock, nor Kirk, as I see them, would enter into something so profound without considerable contemplation and discussion. [1]
