First Anniversary

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Title: First Anniversary
Author(s): Carolyn Spencer
Date(s): 2005
Genre(s): slash
Fandom(s): Star Trek: TOS
Relationship(s): Kirk/Spock
External Links: on AO3

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First Anniversary is a Kirk/Spock story by Carolyn Spencer.

It was published in the print zine The Celebration Zine.


"Spock recalls a special and secret anniversary."

Reactions and Reviews

It is Spock's birthday and he tells the story in his own words. Carolyn is a master (should that be mistress?) of intensity. In the short exchange where Spock tries to resign, Kirk's good humour masking his power and emotion are wonderfully shown - just through his words and actions. This is expert K/S writing, spare and concentrated.

This was funny: "...a precipitation check.." !! and Spock not realising Kirk is amused.

I liked that this piece just referred casually to the fact the pair became lovers. What Spock treasures is the first time someone called him 'friend'. [1]

Ah, I like this Vulcan perspective of an anniversary that is not one Spock chooses to share with even his T’hy’la. I’m intrigued immediately by this mystery occasion. Even better, as Spock muses over the event, the author incorporates one of my favorite episodes: Balance of Terror, letting me see through Spock’s eyes the details of that encounter. Oh, how I love Kirk’s protectiveness in this episode and I love Carolyn’s version of the conversation that takes place after. At the end, I cried. In the future, each time I watch “Balance of Terror”, I shall remember this fitting and long-overdue epilogue. [2]

One nice thing about The Celebration Zine was that so many authors I really enjoy participated, including one of my all time favorites, Carolyn Spencer. I just loved this story in which Spock looks back at the first anniversary of a very significant event in his life. We don’t learn what the anniversary is until the end of the story, and it is not what you might expect. The last line left me with a lump in my throat. Exceptionally well written, amusing, and touching. [3]

Can Carolyn Spencer do no wrong? I don't think she can, especially after reading this little gem of a story. She's taken a simple premise—Spock recounting a day in his life, a day that holds a great significance for him, a day that only he knows about, and turned it into a touching insight into the Vulcan and into what he holds dear.

Thinking back on that day, he first relates his and Kirk's relationship, from their first meeting up until the encounter with the Romulan ship while patrolling near the Neutral Zone. During that time, Spock had come to respect and admire his captain. Unfortunately, he feels he has let that captain down by his blunder during their confrontation with said ship. Though Kirk has made no mention of it, Spock feels it a grave enough mistake that he goes to Kirk in order to put in his transfer. Of course, it's not accepted. Not only does Kirk not accept the transfer, he instead gives something to Spock. A birthday present, even though, for Spock, the day holds no significance. Nevertheless, he accepts the gift with thanks and leaves. Back in his quarters, he opens the book and removes the note Kirk had told him he'd written. It's a simple note, one just about anyone would write to a friend. At its end he adds the line "Happy birthday, my friend," and signs it.

Time has passed, and the two men now share many anniversaries: their first kiss, their first sexual encounter and, of course, their bonding. But Spock will always remember the day Kirk gave him a gift with a note tucked inside for... "That was the night someone first named me friend." [4]


  1. ^ from The K/S Press #101
  2. ^ from The K/S Press #101
  3. ^ from The K/S Press #105
  4. ^ by Gilda F, in The K/S Press #164