Finally Come Home

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Title: Finally Come Home
Author(s): Irish
Date(s): 1995
Genre(s): slash
Fandom(s): Blake's 7
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Finally Come Home is a Blake/Avon story by Irish.

It was published in Fire and Ice #3.

Reactions and Reviews

Finally Come Home by Irish - A badly injured Avon virtually works himself to death for an unsympathetic Blake after GP. Contains one of my favourite lines when Blake, reflecting that he'd been waiting for Avon with open arms only to get shot by him asks Avon, "How did *you* become the victim here?" A beautiful summery on Blake's part of how sympathies always seem to be with Avon even when he was the one who shot an unarmed man... There's a happy ending though.[1]

(Sex? Yes. Aborted rape. Implied rape - not by Blake or Avon) A PGP story narrated in Avon’s voice. Both Avon’s interior monologue and his dialogue are a pleasure to read, each adding depth to the other. Blake is angry, Avon’s completely wrecked. But Irish doesn’t let these emotions flatten out either character, placing both Blake and Avon in a series of situations that bring out the complexity of their relationship. As in 'Compassion,' the Scorpio crew make a strong showing, particularly Vila.[2]
