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Name: Fellowslash
Dates: 2002-2004
Frequency: annually, for three years
Location: Philadelphia, Vermont, Chicago
Type: fan-run, casual
Focus: Lord of the Rings, Lotrips
Founding Date:
URL: fellowslash.org (via Wayback)
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from the 2003 page

Fellowslash was a Lord of the Rings fan-run con. It was held three times.

While the focus was LOTR, some fans in other fandoms promoted it with slightly different spins: "fans and writers of fantasy and real-person slash" was one description. On a Starsky & Hutch mailing list, it was touted as a place were "slash was welcome."

Fellowslash, Archived version The first year, minors were allowed to attend if accompanied by a parent. The other two years were adult-only.


August from the 23rd to the 25th, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, at the Comfort Inn. The hotel was changed at the last minute from Adam's Mark hotel due to complications from there being a Star Trek con in that hotel on the same weekend.

There were about 35 participants.

Greetings, friend. Welcome to the hallowed halls wherein the Ladies of Fellowslash are hard at work, planning the sweet mayhem that is Fellowslash 2002. Our efforts are swiftly coming to fruition as the summer draws nigh. The dates are set, the revelries chosen, all we require...is you. We invite thee to join us for what is sure to be an unforgettable three days.

What is Fellowslash 2002, you ask? It is an opportunity for the inhabitants of the far-off lands of LOTR_RPS and Slashlords in the great kingdom of E-Groups to gather and celebrate that which has become so dear to us. In other words...it's a convention.

Fellowslash 2002 is a slash themed convention, friends. We are the insane people your mother warned you about. We are the ones who know Frodo and Sam are meant for each other, who saw the sparks fly between Legolas and Aragorn (or Gimli, depending on your devotion to book or movie), who smile knowlingly as Boromir teaches Merry and Pippin to use their "swords." Fellowslash 2002 is a convention for those of us who live for subtext to get together and share the lust.

If slash (the general Internet slang term for fiction and artwork depicting various pop-culture and fictional figures in homosexual relationships and situations) is not your cup of tea, or you are not interested in attending Fellowslash 2002...how in the nine Hells did you even find this place? Begone!

Now that we've gotten that out of the way, please feel free to move about the site and discover the secrets of all things Fellowslash. We ask that you please read all FAQ and Information pages thoroughly before proceeding to the registration section to avoid future confusions that might arise. [1]

From the FAQ:

I'm only going to be 17 this August--can I still come?

Of course you can...though you must have an adult with you. If not your parents, then another guardian who can take legal responsibility for you. Also, you will not be allowed to attend or enter the 'Fic readings and contest, though that's the only activity minors will be barred from. Sorry, but it's the law. Well, I won't be a minor, but I'll still be under 21. Is that a problem?

Most of us are going to be 21 or over and most of us plan on taking full advantage of our legal status (some things really are more fun with a few wine coolers in your belly). You, however, will be barred from those activities and if you try to join in anyway, your parents will be called and asked to come pick you up. If we can't reach your parents, then you will be asked to leave the convention at your own expense (and don't think we won't march you down to the Greyhound station and put you on a bus home). Nothing personal, but none of us want to spend the weekend in jail for providing alcohol to under-agers. We will be carding everyone at the kick-off dinner, so don't think about lying on your registration form, either. Again, nothing personal, and please don't think we don't want you there, but we have to abide by the law. [2]

Some info about the activities:

Friday, August 23rd: What, you want to do something? After we've all driven four, five, or ten, or thirteen hours? Are you nuts? Just kidding. Friday night will be our designated "getting to know you" night. Once everyone is checked in and settled, we are all meeting in the lobby of the Adam's Mark, where we can make introductions, and then we are all going to dinner at a nearby T.G.I. Friday's.

Tentative time for congregating in the lobby is set between 7:30 and 8 p.m. Activity schedules are subject to change. You will receive a concrete schedule via e-mail or snail mail (or both, just to be safe) no later than the first of August.

After dinner: Get into slumber party mode! We're all trooping back to the hotel and we're taking over the halls! Movies shall abound, starring our intrepid fellowship...hehe, Elrond in a dress, anyone?

Saturday, August 24th: Assuming we've all recovered from last night, the true 'Con mentality shall come to the fore. How much do you really know about the Shire? Can you list all of Aragorn's names in under ten seconds? Trivia Tournament! Just what would an elf use for lube? Is it possible to get too descriptive when writing a sex scene? Nine healthy men, immediate threats to their lives all around, and nary a wench in sight...don't tell me you really think their own right hands were their only, uh, relief. How do you think the relationships of the Fellowship evolved? Panel discussion is a 'Con tradition, and a blast and half! We may also take in some of Philadelphia's historical sights, and you are welcome to arrange your own outing.

After we've all returned from our day trips, it's time to decide if you're a brave Rohan Rider, or a vicious Orc. Do you swear your allegiance to the rightful King of Gondor? Or do you answer only to Sauron's dark power? That's right, folks, the Battle of Helm's Deep comes to Fellowslash 2002. Us, a park, and a slew of Super Soakers and Water Balloons. Can we say mud fight boys and girls? I thought we could!

After dinner (Chinese take-out, pizza, or another mass outing, whatever everyone feels like) it's time to enjoy the gem of our 'con entertainment...a screening of the Lord of the Rings: the Fellowship of the Ring on DVD. Let the slashiness flow! Following the movie, we will be hosting a spontaneous MSTing of the animated versions. Laughter should abound.

I'm sure we'll think of other amusements to keep ourselves busy with. Ain't goin' down 'til the sun comes up!

Sunday, August 25th: I rather think everyone's going to be sacked out for our final day of Fellowslash 2002. If anyone is awake, however, let's get together for one last mass breakfast before check-out and then hit the Philadelphia Zoo! Don't forget to wear your Fellowslash 2002 t-shirt! Let's see if we can convert some people. [3]

photos from 2002


August from the 14th to the 17th, at Ludlow, Vermont at the Cavendish Pointe Hotel.

Greetings, friend. Welcome to the hallowed halls wherein the Ladies of Fellowslash are hard at work. Fellowslash 2002 has come and passed, a greater success than we had dreamed possible.

Now, we begin crafting the sweet mayhem that will be Fellowslash 2003! That's right kids. We're baaaaaack.

What is Fellowslash, you ask? It is an opportunity for those who know the delights of slashdom to gather and celebrate that which has become so dear to us. In other words...it's a convention.

Fellowslash is a slash themed convention, friends. We are the insane people your mother warned you about. We are the ones who know Frodo and Sam are meant for each other, who saw the sparks fly between Legolas and Aragorn (or Gimli, depending on your devotion to book or movie), who smile knowlingly as Boromir teaches Merry and Pippin to use their "swords." Fellowslash is a convention for those of us who live for subtext to get together and share the lust.

If slash (the general Internet slang term for fiction and artwork depicting various pop-culture and fictional figures in homosexual relationships and situations) is not your cup of tea, or you are not interested in attending Fellowslash...how in the nine Hells did you even find this place? Begone!

Now that we've gotten that out of the way, please feel free to move about the site and discover the secrets of all things Fellowslash. [4]


Fellowslash 2004 was held at the Chicago Comfort Inn. Thursday August 19, 2004 - Sunday August 22, 2004

"The organizers: Bitch in Charge of Everything Unmentioned: Uluithiel -- Registrar/Webmistress: Commodore Marie -- The rest of the organizers, sans titles per request: Cindy, GW Katrina, Iocane, Marie Noire, Marina" [5]

What is Fellowslash, you ask? It is an opportunity for those who know the delights of slashdom to gather and celebrate that which has become so dear to us. In other words... it's a slash convention.

Here are the insane people your mother warned you about.

We are the ones who know Frodo and Sam are meant for each other, who saw the sparks fly between Legolas and ]]Aragorn]] (or Gimli, depending on your preference to book or movie), and who can see that quite a bit more merrymaking than just singing and eating must go on in Rivendell.

And RPS? Oh yes. How do you like your Orlando Bloom? With Viggo, or another? Are you a DomLijah-shipper? Or do you see the FPS OTPs hanging on into that odd place that non-slashers call Real Life? Whatever whets your appetite, it's welcome here.

What about RPGs (Role Play Games)? Don't worry, many of us know the joys. Maybe you can meet some of your muns here!

Bottom line is, anything goes as long as it includes those luscious creatures from LotR.

Fellowslash is a convention for those of us who live for subtext to get together and share the lust. Join us for a few days of speaking out loud those things to which you have to keep inside during your everyday life. [6]
