Fear-Based Response

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Title: Fear-Based Response
Author(s): caliecat
Date(s): 20 May 2011
Length: 1,086 words
Genre(s): gen fanfiction
Fandom(s): Hawaii Five-0
External Links: Fear-Based Response (AO3)http://caliecat.livejournal.com/17574.html (defunct LJ link)

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Fear-Based Response is a Hawaii Five-0 story by caliecat.

Recs and Reviews

Steve/Danny hints (could be read as really strong friendship too) [...] A neat look at a character not featured that much in ficcage (that I've read at least), Jenna Kaye, and a fantastic outsider look on the Steve and Danno dynamic in an episode that rocked fandom. This fic deserves a place among the best of H50 fics. Fangirls went spastic over the h/c that episode 1x23 gave us (myself included :D), and the hug! Oh the hug that rocked the H50 world... Calie expounds on the Steve/Danny elements through the eyes of Jenna, the new girl on the block. We get to see how earnest she is to earn her place in this family, this team. And seeing Steve as a character and his relationship with Danny through Jenna's eyes sheds some light on her motivations and backgrounds so subtly that Calie should be rewarded for expressing it so well, really. Overall, a blending of character exploration and canon h/c extravaganza that will make you want to read more![1]


  1. ^ duonoaikouka in: crack_van. Fear-Based Response by Calie (PG), 25 January 2012. (Accessed 08 June 2016)